☾Chapter 2☽

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The next class flew by fast and, from the look on Mr. Higgins' face, I wasn't paying attention. Could you blame me? I mean, it was health class. After three years of taking it in middle school, it was just the teachers repeating what a teacher from previous years had said. Highly unnecessary, if you ask me.

Lucky for my friends, none of them had to take that class that semester.

When the bell rang for classes to change, I was out the door faster than a cobra could strike. My next class was right down the hall, so I sprinted, hoping to keep my streak of being the first of my friends in that class.

Once I got to the classroom door, however, I remembered the permission slip that was in my locker. Today was the last day to turn them in.

I groaned in frustration, but turned around.

Walking nearly a mile to my locker, I saw the face that looked exactly like the one that broke my heart. Except, it wasn't him. It was the other twin, Xander.

Xander was almost just like Dean. They both had black hair, deep blue eyes, and the same face. They had differences, though. Dean was an inch or two taller than his brother and Xander had longer hair. If you paid attention, you'd notice Dean's eyes were just a few shades darker.

Both brothers played sports, too. Dean was our school's quarterback and Xander played soccer with Jake. Football season had been long over and soccer had just ended.

And there was one more difference: Xander never cheated on me.

But I wouldn't say that. Especially not to his brother.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, confused. "You're usually in class by now."

His blue eyes showed his smile before it appeared on his face, and I knew the teasing was soon to come. He was always one to pick around, especially if he knew you. That was one of the things that distinguished him from his brother. Xander wasn't as reserved.

"I could ask you the same thing."

I frowned, rolling my eyes. Wasn't it obvious? "I'm going to my locker to get my permission slip."

"Whoa there, Miss Sarcastic," Xander chuckled, putting his hands up in surrender. "I'm on my way to class. Had to do extra work for Mr. London."

I walked past him to get to my locker, nearly stepping on his foot. "Still failing drama?" I teased as I put the locker combination in.

His voice was now beside me, leaning against the lockers nearby. "How many times do I have to tell you? It's World Lit, not drama," he said, sounding annoyed.

For as long as I'd known him, Xander hated drama or acting. I'd always told him acting was fun, but he wouldn't have it.

I shrugged my shoulders, digging into my bag and searching for the paper. It was the only place I could've put the permission slip because I wouldn't really put it anywhere else. I knew one thing for a fact, though: if I didn't find the slip soon, I'd be late for class. And Mr. Scott did not appreciate tardiness.

"You seem to like drama, though."

"Nah, too... dramatic," he joked.

I rolled my eyes as I shut my locker, having found my permission slip. "Can you run?" I asked, turning to Xander.

"Nope," he replied sarcastically, "I broke both my legs last week." For extra emphasis, he slid to the floor, hitting it with a thump. For a guy that didn't like acting, he sure was an actor.

Bitten 》Book 1 Of Werewolves In Yellowstone《Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt