☾Chapter 1☽

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There were only three more months left until I was out of that hellhole known as high school. Three more months of putting up with homework, drama, tests, and rumors. Two months until prom. Three months until final exams, then finally--finally--graduation.

Honestly, I couldn't wait to graduate. Not only would I be out of high school, but I would also be out of the orphanage and--hopefully-out of Texas. Don't get me wrong-Mrs. Quill was kind to any child in her care-but I was tired of the pity I received just because my parents had died. Yes, that was nearly ten years ago. Yes, I was tired of people asking me if I was okay because of it. Was I really okay though? Probably not.

I'd been at the orphanage for nearly ten years but hadn't been adopted. I didn't want to go with complete strangers that could just bring me back to the orphanage whenever they got tired of me (trust me, it wasn't as rare as we hoped). Even if they were nice, why would I want to get attached to another smiling couple, knowing they could be gone with little notice? Luckily, this didn't keep me from having close friends, even though I was equally as scared to lose them.

I was definitely ready for all the hell I'd gone through to finally be behind me. For my past to be behind me as I left town. For my parents and unborn brother to fade to the back of my mind as smoke fades in the wind. Ready for all the heartbreak I'd experienced to finally be away from me. I was ready to start over somewhere new.

My thoughts soon scattered as I finally heard the bell ring, signaling the end of first block. I ignored my friend's annoyed expression as I rushed out of Calculus. Wouldn't be long till I'd be able to leave that.

"Austin!" Lillian called behind me. "Wait up!"

I groaned impatiently but slowed my hurried pace. I watched as other students clamored around me to get to their next class.

"Hey," she said, finally catching up to me, "you do know I was trying to talk to you, right? What's your rush?"

Even though Lillian wasn't my best friend, she was still closer to me than anyone else, except Ralph. And Dean. She was the one I would go to for things I couldn't go to Ralph about, which was pretty ironic. Lillian should've been the absolute last person I went to for any kind of fashion advice, boy problems (even though she had a boyfriend of three years), or even to go shopping with.

She rarely wore makeup, but she didn't need any, anyway. The bright green of her eyes made them stand out. Her cheeks were naturally pink and her lips were slightly red due to her habit of chewing on them. Lillian's long, curly, firelike hair was almost always up in a ponytail. She never wore dresses (except on special occasions), but always chose to wear sweatpants or leggings with any top she could find. Of course, nobody would ever be able to catch her outside of school without a basketball tucked under her arm, either.

"We have two minutes to talk," I told her, shifting my books from one arm to the other. "I can't be late for class again. Mrs. Donovan gave me detention last time."

Lillian nodded. "I'll keep it short. Anyway, did you bring your permission slip for Mr. Scott? Today's the last day to turn them in."

Permission slip?


I'd completely forgotten.

Mr. Scott had planned a trip for his two AP Biology classes. We were going north to Yellowstone National Park and staying for a week. When we got back, spring break would have already started.

"I haven't given it to him yet," I admitted, shrugging. "But I brought it. I'll give it to him in class later."

Lillian raised an eyebrow. She and my other friends all knew how reluctant I was to go on this trip. For starters, I helped Mrs. Quill with all the younger kids in the orphanage. Secondly, I had a job.

Bitten 》Book 1 Of Werewolves In Yellowstone《Where stories live. Discover now