Chapter 9

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This is the chapter where it starts to get MUSICAL! :D I do not own Glee, it would be a train wreck if Ryan Murphy wasn't in charge!

ATTENTION, THERE IS A BIT OF MALE SLASH SMUT AT THE END! if you don't like it, skip it! 


The next morning I woke up to some random song blaring on my alarm clock. I slammed my hand down on it before I could determine what it was. I slumped out of bed and threw myself in my vanity chair. I looked through hazy eyes at the blur of destruction that was me in the mornings. With my handy comb, a bit of Tresseme hairspray, and a dab of toner, I looked as gorgeous as I did every day. 

I put on my white button up, beige lace up coat, a grey scarf, black seven jeans and beige boots. I felt so much better since I made up with my dad and I would be spending my morning with Garrett, inroducing him to the school and not to mention glee club. I pulled out my phone and texted Garret, asking if he was ready, to which he responded with an "almost" I went down stairs and poached myself an egg and sliced a quarter of a grapefruit. Even my dad and Carole weren't up at this ungodly hour. Finn walked in as I was sprinkling splenda on my grapefruit.  

"Morning Finn." I said brightly. 

"Mrphgh." Finn said resting his head on the freezer door with his eyes closed and opening the fridge. 

"Why are you not ready? School starts at. 

7:20 and its 6:45. Finn was just in a sleep shirt and boxers with a tangled mess of hair sitting on top of his head. He only responded by drinking some orange juice out of the carton.  

"Ugh!" I exclaimed, reaching up and snatching the carton fom his hands and reaced it with a glass."You can be such a neandrethal." I sighed, pouring some juice in the glass. There was a knock on the door and half jogged to open it. Garrett stood there looking amazing. He was wearing a red pea coat with a black scarf and black jeans with some red dress shoes. 

"Morning!" I sighed giving him a hug."Dressed for the day?" I laughed. 

"Morning to you too! And it is Valentine's Day." He giggled, hugging me back. We stepped inside and walked into the kitchen. 

"Hey Finn!" Garret said as he saw Finn at the table, eating his morning ritual bowl of lucky charms.  

"Hey.." Finn yawned. 

"I'm guessing Kurt is more of a morning person than you." Garrett laughed. 

He replied with a muffled noise. Garrett and I laughed and sat down. I poured Garrett a cup of coffee and sat down at the table and started eating. Garrett sat down and pulled a straw out of his messenger bag and placed it in his coffee. He was so adorable.

Breakfast was quick. I cleaned my dishes and Garrett and I walked outside. 

"You nervous?" I said smiling, I treaded carefully over the small slushy puddles. It was warmer than yesterday, not cold enough to snow. Dark clouds hung overhead wearily, foreshadowing rain. 

"Just a little." He said shakily. He started towards the car and slipped over an icy puddle, quickly grabbing onto the car door handle and keeping himself half-way up. I helped him up the rest of the way.  

"Okay, alot nervous.." he said laughing a bit. 

"It's okay," I said chuckling. I pulled him into a hug, "Don't be!" I said. Suddenly a car horn sounded from the street, I realeased Garret and turned around quickly, that's when I saw Blaine's black mustang. I smiled and walked over, I didn't hear footsteps behind me so I assumed Garrett decided to stay behind.  

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