Chapter 4

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My father kept the frown and took Blaine's hand shaking it firmly twice and turned around quickly and walked inside. I rolled my eyes. He was putting on the hard, silent father act. I looked at Blaine and smiled as I saw him rubbing that hand my father shook. I grabbed his other hand and led him inside. My father was sitting on the recliner and Blaine and I sat on the love seat across from him.

"Kurt." My dad said gruffly.

"Yeah?" I said sweetly, squeezing Blaine's hand.

I noticed he was staring at our intertwined hands.

"Go, uh, start making dinner or somethin." He demanded.

"Oh, Blaine and I are going to dinner tonight." I cooed.

My father stared at me for what seemed like forever. Slowly I stood up and started towards the kitchen, knowing that what my father really wanted was some alone time. Blaine stuttered for a moment, confused, but then he understood. I stood behind the wall and started to listen.

"So, what are you're intentions in dating my son?" My father said sternly. I had to stifle a giggle, my dad could be so overprotective it was funny.

"Well I uh, I really like kurt, and I think he feels the same, and I would love for our relationship to grow into something more."

Dapper mode activated, I thought to myself.

"Do you love him?" My father questioned.

"Sir?" Blaine said, I could tell he was a bit thrown off by the question.

" Do, my, son." He repeated, sounding less patient.

My heart lept into my throat.

"Oh, yes sir, why wouldn't I?" He said flashing that brilliant smile of his.

"Well why do you?" My father growled.

"Oh god, well where do I start? His eyes, his laugh, the way his cheeks get all red when I kiss his nose, his voice, ugh when he sings I melt."

I blushed and put my hand on my chest.

"His face, his body, his jokes, his style, and the way his nose scrunches up when he's mad. And most of all I love when he kisses me. When our lips touch.." Blaine looked into my eyes," Fireworks." He said dreamily.

My dad was silent after that and followed Blaine's gaze to where I was standing. He stood up and turned to me.

"You kids have fun tonight," he turned to Blaine and placed his hand on his shoulder, "Have him home by 1 O'clock." He said looking at Blaine, but not with the hostility that was there before, but with respect and trust. He turned to me and gave me a tight hug.

"I love you son." He said, sounding a bit teary.

"Love you too dad." I said hugging him back tightly.


About an hour later, we were at the movies. Blaine had his arm over me and I clung to his chest as we watched some scary movie. I wasn't really watching, but I did jump at the scary parts. I loved the feeling of Blaine holding me tighter when I was scared. After the movie, we went to eat dinner at Breadstix. It was amazing, we talked and laughed, and held hands, ignoring the looks we were getting. After dinner it was about 10:00 and we hadn't had anything else planned. We got in the car.

"Tonight has been amazing." Blaine said.

"I hope it isn't over." I cooed, leaning over on his shoulder and nuzzling into his neck.

"I want you to close your eyes and not open them until I tell you." He said kissing the top of my head.

"I have no problem with that I said, nuzzling deeper into his neck.

Sometime along the drive, I fell asleep on Blaine's shoulder. I woke up to a cold chill and a slam of a door and saw Blaine spreading a blanket across the grass and lighting a candle, i looked around and we were in the woods by the lake. What was this? I stepped out of the car, wrapping my scarf tighter around my neck. Blaine saw me coming and sat on the blanket, motioning for me to do the same. I sat down next to him.

"This is beautiful.." I said cuddling up to him. He looked down suddenly and gently kissed me. The kiss became more passionate as he pulled me on top of him and grinds his hips against me. This wasn't like him, usually I think of him too much of a gentleman to even try anything like this. I didn't like it. But, the next think Blaine said made my heart skip a beat.

"Let's do it.."

Everything's Comin' Up Kurt (Gleefic)Where stories live. Discover now