Chapter 2

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Glee nor any of the Characters belong to me, they belong to FOX and the creators of Glee.

No copyright intended



"Mi-mi-mi-mi-mi-mi-mi..." Ah, we were back to the old fashioned vocal exercises. Rachel doing her best to sing louder than all of us, Brittany and Santana not singing at all, and Mr. Schuester with his usual cheesy grin at the front of the class. Mr. Schue stopped us.

"Okay guys, were doing an old assignment!" He said clapping his hands together. We murmured silently to ourselves and I crossed my legs.

" I want you guys to sing a song that describes you, now its been so long since we've done this so I want to see how you all have changed over the years." We all started chatting excitedly to each other about what we would sing. Mercedes said she would sing "Just Fine" by Mary J. Blige. I wasn't sure what i would sing but I knew it wouldn't be "Pink Houses" again. God, what was I thinking when I sang that before? We all practiced for a bit and then Mr. Schuester dismissed us.

"Kurt!" Mr. Shue called to me

"Yes?" I said walking over to him by the piano.

"I'm really glad you're back with us." He said smoothly and i smiled and moved my hair behind my ear."But I want you to tell me if anything happens to you..Like last time."I blinked."Don't worry, I can take care of myself.." I said icily as I walked out of the room. I know i shouldn't have been so rude to him, but I really didn't want to think about my incident this morning.

When I got in my car the first thing I did was text Blaine.

"Hey, wanna get together for coffee? :)"

I started up the car and my phone vibrated.

"Sure babe. Meet u there.<3"

I smiled and put my phone in my bag. As i pulled out of the school parking lot I stopped to adjust my rear-view mirror and I froze as I saw Letterman jackets right behind me. I was blocked in and i wasn't a bout to run them over, though I really REALLY wanted too... They started surrounding my car in all directions there was five of them. I locked my doors quickly and lied my forehead on the steering wheel. They started knocking on my windows, telling me to come out, throwing out insults like, "fag" and "homo" how original. I felt anger start to build up inside me and i sat up. I Revved the engine and pushed one of them a bit. Apparently they didn't like that because their insults became more vulgar. I revved more and pushed him further, he smacked the hood of my car, then i held down the horn, and drove slowly until he moved out of the way, once he did I sped off. I smiled to myself. That was the first time I'd ever stood up to them and it didn't backfire! I put in my Lady Gaga album Mercedes burned for me and sang my heart out all the way to the coffee shop.

                                                                                 * * *

I pulled up next to Blaine's black mustang and stepped outside. The smell of coffee beans wafting out the door as people walked in and out of the café. I stepped inside and saw Blaine waiting for me at the counter. My cheeks flushed red and he walked up and wrapped me in his arms. I looked into his eyes.

"Hey.." I said softly

"Hey.." He replied. I smiled as he softly kissed my lips and released me but still keeping his grip on my hand."So what do you want? I'm buying, so for you its gratís." I said squeezing his hand.

" I don't know, something sweet and creamy.." Malicious thoughts raced  through my head but I Immediately wiped them away."You are so unintelligible" I said giggling.

"That's what you love about me." He said smiling that prodigious smile of his. I always melted at the sight of it.  He kissed me on the cheek and went to the counter and ordered. The rest of the date was fantastic, and he followed me to my house in his car. It was dark already so I know my dad must have been worried. We walked up to my door together hand in hand.

"I had a really good time." I said blushing, "Oh my god i just sounded so cliche." I said laughing slightly.

"Me too.." He said. I melted into those hazel eyes as he leaned into kiss me for what seemed like the millionth time that night. When suddenly I felt a tug at the back of my collar and was pulled in the house, i looked at Blaine and mouthed "call me" before the door was slammed between us. I looked up shocked when  I saw my dad staring disapprovingly down at me.

"Where were you Kurt?" He said sternly.

"With Blaine.." I said, blushing as I said the name, "You know we're dating.." I whimpered, I new this was an uncomfortable subject for him.

"Yeah, well, you know I'm still not used to all of this, but you need to tell me when you go out on dates with...people...and how long you're gonna be out! Kurt, I was worried sick, I know you said you were staying for glee club but you should have been home three hours ago, its almost Seven o'clock!"

I rolled my eyes, " Dad you don't have to be so protective of me all the time. I my own person! I can take care of myself.." I said brushing my hair out of my eyes.

"Yeah and that's exactly what your teacher said you told him when he called me earlier." He said as he crossed his arms.

"Mr.Schuester?" I queried.

"Yeah, and he told me he could tell something was wrong with you today. and that you mouthed off to him when he was just trying to help." He spat.

"He was just being théâtral.." I mumbled. My father stared at me with a blank expression."Over dramatic.." I expalined slowly.

"Whatever," He said quickly, "I want you to tell me what happened."

"Nothing happened, but I am tired and I have to moisturize before I go to sleep.." I said quietly as i started down the stairs to my room.

"And I want to meet this kid who was trying to kiss you! That better have been a near-first kiss and not a twentieth!" He called after me.

"Of course!" I called back. I smiled as I went thinking of all the amazing kisses we shared that day.

About an hour later, I was in my shirt and sweat pants ready for bed. If Blaine ever saw me like this with my hair a mess he would probably leave me in less than a second. I plopped down on the bed and stared at my ceiling. "This is gonna be a long year.." I said. I clapped twice and the room was dark. I cuddled up under my covers and held the bear that Blaine had given me for my birthday to my face. It smelt like him. I smiled and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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