Chapter 8

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My breath hitched in my throat."W-what?"

"Please don't make me say it again..." Garrett whispered staring at his hands.

"Why?" I asked, my face flushed.

He hesitated a moment, "Because, it's so hard to say that to somone when you know...they'll never say it back."

I was silent after that. I really didn't know what to say. I actually really liked him too, but I had no intention of breaking up with Blaine. I couldn't lie to him. I just reached over and wrapped my fingers around his to comfort him.

The mall wasn't as awkward as I anticipated. We went to Reed's and I saw an amazing black Rolex that I knew Blaine would love. They put it in a small gift bag and we walked out of the mall hand in hand. While we walked towards my car, a horn sounded behind us. I turned quickly, letting go of Garrets hand,, to see Wes's car sitting less than five feet away.

"Oh my god.." I sighed, I grabbed a reluctant Garrett's hand and pulled him up to the car and layed my head on the open driver's side window.

"Hey Wes, David!" I said giving puppy dog eyes. "What's up?" I smiled sweetly and hugged Wes through the window.

Their faces remained somber."Hey Kurt.." Wes said smoothly.

"Who's your friend?" David asked accusingly.

"Oh, this is Garrett!" I said stepping back to introduce him, "Wes, Garret, Garrett, Wes, David, Garrett, Garret, David." I said chuckling a bit.

"H-Hi" Garrett managed to choke out.

"What are you guys doing out here so late?" Wes said narrowing his eyes.

"What are you, the police?" I asked laughing.

"We went to go get Kurt's boyfriend a Valentine's Day gift.." Garret said, forcing a slight smile.

"Here's the bag if you dont believe me..spies." I said playfully, holding the bag up so they could see the small glossy black gift bag with silver tissue. Wes tried to grab for it but I pulled away.

"Nah ah ah! No peeking!" I said holding the bag protectively."Knowing you, you guys will tell him before you even leave the parking lot!" I laughed

David was staring at Garrett with hostility and I shot him a bitchy look which caused him to face the front again. Well, I gotta get Garrett home." I said looking at the clock in the car, It was already nine o' clock. "Bye you guys!" I said walking away, clutching Garret's hand, earning another glare from Wes and David. Once we got into the car I looked over to Garrett and smiled.

"Don't worry about them, they're just Blaine's friends, so any time they see me with a guy they get a little iffy." I said giggling a bit.

"I don't want to make your boyfriend mad at you.." he said doe-eyed.

"Don't worry about it." I said while starting the car. "They freak out any time I'm with a guy that isn't Blaine.."

"I can only hope he isn't as protective." Garrett joked, nuzzing his face into his scarf, which reminded me of a hamster or a gerbil.

"No, Blaine isn't the jealous type." I said waving the idea away. But come to think of it, we've only been dating since New Year's Day and I've never really given him anything to be jealous about, so I wasn't quite sure if he was or not. But for Garrett's sake, I put a calming hand on his shoulder."Trust me." I said smiling, this made him blush a bit and I pulled off and started our departure.

As soon as we pulled into my driveway a woman who I assumed was Garrett's mother and my Dad were standing by the garage, looking expecting. I turned off the engine and stepped out of the car.

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