Chapter 1. Home is hard.

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(Notes at bottom)

The street was cold, wet, and it was to late for anyone to be out and yet here I was staying up incase someone decided they were in need of something pretty useless. Working for a failing business wasn't working out to good and there wasnt many other opertunities left. Getting a job was hard, keeping one was harder.

There were constant 'I will pay you next month' and 'I just need a little more time'. Time nobody had. Mama always looked down on people who made promises they couldn't keep 'It's a waste of time and time costs money.' she would then shout to get back to work, wash the vegetables and peel the potatos so a great meal could be prepared for daddy and big brother when they got home. The memories with her were of top quality, tears formed as the memory of watching her lay there as the cancer slowly took its last bite. She smiled to the end, boasting about how much she loved her children and how she knows they would be something great.

Daddy's heart broke into peices, he only lasted a week. Dal turned 18, and dad couldn't do a thing. As if Mama's death took his soul with her, that or something much worse did. He was the most caring man on earth, his love for my mother was 'beyond this world' as grandma use to say, but maybe his love was too deep set.

Either way their death wasn't the cause for my dept issues. I wanted to help people from the beginning, they would ask and I would give. No matter the price, I was there to save the day.

It came back to bite me in the arse.

I felt lonely, small and ruined. Nothing is going the way I planned. A future ruined by my own hand. Maybe, just maybe if I wish apon a star just like fairytail princesses, maybe my prince will save me. Haha, what a thought.

"Pardon me, miss-"
A voice of a buissness man stood infront of the shop, soft but something sinister behind it.
"Hello! Such a lovely night isn't it? How may I be of service?" I relaxed my shoulders and watched as the man infront of me smiled with such kind looking eyes.

"You wouldn't be interested in a game would you?" He questions. Looking around, nobody was going to come buy paper flowers anyway, so with a shrug I quickly put the stores apron away and locked up the rolling door.

"What game would you like to indulge in, good sir?"

"Hm optimistic are we?" The put together man watched as the girl infront bounced in joy. Hoping to make his day just a little better, the man explained the game with the prize of 100,000 won or a slap.

"Alright but no longer then 5 minutes"
Standing under the stores' cover the both of us played, not realising how invested I was in the game already. Slightly peeving me with a smug smile when I lost for the 76th time, but he offered to play again and again, with each game my cheek became a raw red then a slow fade to bruised blue, he didn't slap me hard but brusing is what I'm best at!

"Ok, ok, I think I could go for one more round. Then I have to go" he nodded, handing the blue title over to me once more. Throwing the tile as hard as my measly arms could possible attempt It was like slow motion, watching as the tile slowly bounced off the red and in a breath and the slight tightening of my booty hole, the red tile flipped.
"Ha it flipped!" Taking the time to dance, looking around for someone's praise but noone except myself and the mysterious man stood under the night sky.

"Ok ok, now my turn!" Before I could lay a hand on the man he took a step backward dodging the slap.
"What no, not fair!" Crossing my arms and playfully glaring at him, "one, just one slap."

He looked at me and sighed, leaning back in. Oh the sound was perfect, not hard enough to hurt too bad but good enough to give a slight pink to the cheek. He smiled right after as he watched me greedily take petty revenge.

"Here, your prize" he stuffed the money into my hand, it gave me a woozy feeling looking at it. I needed it yes, but it didn't seem too hard earned.

"You sure? You can take it back I don't-" As I look up he was gone nothing but the stars twinkling a 'goodnight' at me.
What I had failed to notice on first inspection was the card between the noted money. On the card was 3 bold shapes, circle, tiangle and square. I flicked the card only to be met with the pleasent sound. On the back was simply a number 8650 4006. Nothing else. No extra infomation.

Okkkkaaayy, super sketch but keep it just in case. The walk hope was filled with pleasent thoughts, small acts make a big difference some times.

Shouting from the door I let my brother know I was home safe, "Hey Dal, I'm home!"
"Why were you out late again!? We talked about this" here we go again, I didn't mean to but I rolled my eyes. He did this every time. "I'm the man of the house, I should be able to take care of you-" Dal stood under the kitchen doorframe, spatula in hand slipers and an apron that I made 'I am gorilla man!' With a picture of donkey kong under it. "What's happened to your face!" Dal rushed over patting my cheek  "No fights!"

"I know, and it wasn't a fight, Dal. You don't have to think that way. We just need a little extra money that's all" as I said that I pulled the money from my pocket, giving him a smile of confort. But reality was, it wouldn't last long. I could see it in his eyes that he thought the same but he tried to hide it none the less.

"Where did you get that type of money from? You didn't steal it did you? Selling drugs? Where. You. Get. Da. Mons."
He was always up in my stuff, I know he cares about me, but sometimes he need to take a chill pill or two.

"For your infomation, I played a game and won it" after shaking his head I was sent to have a short shower and a dinner that consisted of 2 eggs and toast. "Dal.."
He was always giving me his food, knowing that I was a big eater but we had such little food.
"Eat up, do it for me" I just glared at him. "Look do it for me, tomorrow Is my interview and if I get the job from then on we can eat like kings!" He was enthusiastic for once.

I laughed at his sudden burst of happy "What do you mean?"

"It's a small roll but it pays well" Dal rubbed his fingers as if money were between them.

"Im full, I dont feel well, I think the rain got to me a little"

"I TOLD YOU! You shouldn't be staying out this late!" He shouted back but in truth, I just wanted him to eat a little.

(Words 1228)
Mmmmkaay my ducklings first chapter down! It is a little sad background but I didnt want to have more then one connections otherwise they would go looking for you because thats what loved ones do.

I kinda enjoyed the games, gave me anxious doubt but hey good things go that way! Ive decided this character flaw is a slight naive and sweet girl who wants to see the good in everyone but she can be a little crazy, talkitive and brave. Im not going to tell you anymore because thats cheating not favouritism.

This might not be you, the type of person i mean. I know things in life happen that change you from a bubbly baby to a harden grown person, but we  change ourselves to fit the roll of perfect. The fantacy world can fix anything and by fix I dont mean in a good way, you all are beautiful people and you should be proud!! But if you dont mind lets go with the flow 💛💛💛

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