Chapter 3: 10 Million Years Spirit Ring!

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When Haoxin woke up, he immediately placed his hand on his forehead and said: "Ugh!... My head hurts."

It was then that a loud elderly voice suddenly said: "Hoh! So you're awake little one. Would you like some fresh water to drink?"

Hearing the voice, Haoxin quickly stood up and turned to who it was.

It was then that he was once again petrified by the sight of the Unbreakable Diamond Terra Tortoise.

Haoxin: "Y-You're... that giant turtle. So it wasn't a dream! W-What did you do to me?"

The giant tortoise then sighed and said: "I simply awakened your Martial Soul for you. However... there seems to be some... somewhat complicated things within your body."

Haoxin then calmed himself down and asked: "What complicated things?... Wait... Did you just say you awakened my Martial Soul?"

The giant tortoise nodded and replied: "That's right. Go on... close your eyes, relax and try to sense it."

Haoxin stared at the giant tortoise with serious eyes for a moment before finally deciding to sit down cross-legged and close his eyes.

The boy decided to trust the giant tortoise's words for now. After all if the beast truly wanted to harm him, it could've done so while he was unconscious.

Haoxin then took a deep breath and allowed himself to relax. After a few moments he started to sense them.

Haoxin: "This is..."


Three symbols then started to appear on his body. One on the back of his left hand, one on the back of his right hand and finally one on the left side of his chest.

Haoxin then began to mutter in shock: "There's... three of them? How can that be?"

He then thought: "Aren't the maximum amount of martial souls a spirit master can awaken only two?"

The giant tortoise then spoke: "Yes it is as you've realized... you've awakened to Triple Spirits."

After a moment Haoxin couldn't help but ask: "How did that happen?"

The giant tortoise then chuckled and said: "Before I explain things to you, how about getting a good look at your spirits first?"

Hearing the giant tortoise's words, Haoxin thought for a moment then nodded. He then decided to first release the Martial Soul that had a mark on his left hand.


It was then that a palm sized little tree with a black trunk and purple leaves appeared floating above his left hand.

"What a weird looking little tree." The boy thought.

"It is indeed the Elemental Nemesis Tree." Said the giant tortoise as he nodded while staring at the palm sized little tree.

"Elemental Nemesis Tree? Is that the name of my Martial Soul? Mr. Turtle can you tell me what you know about it?" Asked the boy.

The giant tortoise: "It is a powerful tree that once existed in ancient times. It possesses the ability to either resist or harness the power of the elements as it wills. It is due to this that the beings of that ancient era labeled it as the nemesis of the elements. As such it was given the name Elemental Nemesis Tree."

The giant tortoise then remembered something amusing as it showed a slight smile and thought: "In fact when that tree gained a bit of divinity, not even the strongest among the elemental gods could do anything against it."

Primordial Spirits Unity! (Douluo Fanfic!)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz