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“I've been waiting for you since forever, mother.” Grinning at her devilishly. Jimin greets his mother. “Mrs Park, it is pleasant having you here. Me and Jimin have been anticipating your arrival. Without you how could we continue the ceremony?”

Her eyes shot wide open at your figure. Oh come on don't take me as a ghost mother-in-law. I'm alive, I always have been alive. You failed to kill me the other day.” Handing the baby to Jimin, you approach her. “Wondering how I survived?” Whispering in her ear you take a step back.

“Ae-ri don't look at me like that, I know I'm pretty. Too bad you ain't even Jimin's wife. The desperation I had to kill you though, each time you tried luring him in your bed.”

Kicking her chair you watch her falling down groaning in pain. “How stupid can you be, in spite of me hinting 'you tried killing me.' Your dumb brain couldn't process my words.”

Grabbing her hairs in your palm, you tug on them harshly. “Mrs Park, I hope all your fantasies came true after my fake death. Well I'm not at all a generous human let me remind you that. I ain't no saint. I never was. We'll kill this bitch right here along with you.”

Kicking Ae-ri you take a step back. Taehyung and Hoseok had tied up the old lady beside Ae-ri. “Ae-ri you really believed all that Jimin told you about my non-existent soul? Aren't you a naive little woman?”

“Everything was pre-planned, after my accident I was saved. My body was sent to Namjoon's lab. Where he and Jin managed to treat me. But our baby couldn't be saved all because of you. It took me a year to recover from that trauma. A whole damn fucking year. Jimin's company had faced a lot of loss after my death. We knew there was something more to this entire thing.”

“On researching we came to know it was his petty step mother stealing money from the company. Taehyung here came up with the drama, while I made my own. What is not better than my ghost itself? The baby that Jimin is holding isn't mine. All because of you.”

“I would have had my baby today if it wasn't for that accident.” Tears streamed down your face. “By killing you both today, we'll gain money from the demon as well as my ability to be a mother again. I can no longer be a mother.”

Falling on your knees you clutch onto your chest. Jimin runs to your aid hugging you. “Don't cry. I had promised we'll take revenge. I understand Ae-ri was obsessed with me. But even you mother? Oh wait, it's step-mother. You indeed proved step mother shall forever be a step-mother. One who can never love or care for her step-kids. You deserve this death.”

Eyes raging with anger. Jimin spews these harsh words out at her. “By killing you we shall get rid of two heinous souls, by handing you over to the devil himself.” He helps you stand up sitting back in the circle Intertwining your fingers.

“Everything is gonna be fine. I promise you that.” Kissing your knuckles he looks at you assuringly. “I can feel it coming.” Yoongi alerts everyone. They hold each other's hands.

The very next moment a bright orange light shines in the room. Two demonic creatures walk-out of the fire. One had horns and a crown over his head. While the other trailed behind him, carrying a sword like stick. He was the grim reaper. With Lucifer the King of Hell in the front.

“What makes you summon us?” Staring at the circle formed he licks his lips. Questioning Yoongi. “I summoned you here to gain something by sacrificing these two souls.” Yoongi's voice remained void of any emotion. Lucifer was taken back at his tone.

“What do you want that you risked summoning me the King of Hell himself?” A black chair appeared and he sat down on it. Crossing his legs. His eyes bore daggers in your soul. Jimin growled at him, warning to look away. “Easy there human, I won't steal your girl.” Chuckling at Jimin's protective behaviour Lucifer sheepishly smiles.

“I ask the grim reaper to give us infinite wealth. One that doesn't end for the rest of our upcoming generations. Lucifer, the major reason why we summoned you was because of Y/N. She met into an accident last year. Resulting in her losing the ability to be a mother. Grant our wish and let her have the joy of being a mother again.”

Yoongi coldly says everything. Lucifer angrily stands up, the chair he was sitting on flies across the room. Shattering into numerous pieces. “You humans summoned me here to grant this stupid wish? Why not ask your God to bless her?”

He took a step forward to choke Yoongi. But a harsh force pushed him back. “What do you think I wouldn't know the consequences of summoning you both?” Yoongi laughed evilly.

“Listen here you piece of shit, I wasn't interested in summoning you either. It was our needs that made me summon you. Grant us what we want, if not believe me you'll be struck here forever. I'm not a normal exorcist.” Yoongi threw a white powder in his eyes. Leading him to scream.

The grim reaper stood numb beside him. “I'll grant your wish.” The ugly masked man. Hiding his face behind the hood spoke up. “I'll be taking this lady along with me.” He refers to Jimin's step mother. She started shouting pleading with Yoongi to set her free. “You'll have wealth until your last generations.“

Raising his hand up in the air with his weapon he prepares to execute her. “Do you think I'm a fool?” Yoongi yells warningly. “Make the blood pact. Demons are cheaters. By doing this blood pact you can't betray us.” The grim reaper's eyes widened.

He did not think Yoongi was capable of this. Threatening the reaper and the Hell King. Forcing them to make a pact. “Either do the blood pact or be trapped here like that idiot king of yours.” Yoongi darkly chortled. “Who are you?” Removing the hood of his head he questioned the man. Rolling up his sleeves. The view of his face made you gag. Hiding your face in Jimin's chest.

Everyone shut their eyes, not able to see the ugly creature. Yoongi stood strong on his ground. Slicing a large chunk of his flesh collecting his blood. “I'm that exorcist who trapped Zeus, my favourite hobby is to have demons as my puppets.”

Passing him an innocent smile he read some inscriptions from the book placed in front of him. The grim reaper's hand started burning. “What in the name of hell did you do?” A crescent shaped moon appeared on his arm.

“Your Min Yoongi's property now. Dare do anything against me, or even think about doing it. I'll make you my slave the same way Zeus is.” Lucifer clenched his jaw. Zeus was his favourite minister, the most sinister and dirty soul out there. For ages he had hurt innocent souls, manipulated them to do wrong deeds.

Raising the ultimatum of hell souls. One day an exorcist captured him after he tried possessing a little girl's body. What's more shocking was that the exorcist went missing after that. Now Lucifer knew Min Yoongi wasn't someone easy to mess with.

Being the Hell King it was common for him to make false promises to the people who summoned him and take away their souls. But in Yoongi's case he felt it was impossible.

“Now there Lucifer, your man Zeus is my slave. Do you want to join him? Or Would you rather be a wise man and get over with what I summoned you here for? Thinking about playing cunningly with me are you?” Lucifer giggled, wiping his fake tears.

“Fine human you win. I'll grant you what you want. But in return, give me that lady.” He points his finger in your direction. “Humans can find another wife, I'm sure your friend can mfarry another woman as well.” Ae-ri saw this as her opportunity and joined along with him.

“You're absolutely right. The Superior King of Hell take Y/N away. I'm Jimin's second wife. He wouldn't have a problem with her dying.”

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