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“Lower down your voice. This ain't the right place for you to shout, people are staring at us. They might send me to a scientist laboratory after knowing about me.” Yoongi hissed annoyed by her sudden shriek.

Ae-ri and Yoongi walked to a nearby mall. She wanted to make sure Yoongi didn't harm her so she chose a crowded place in case the tables turned. “So tell me everything now.”

“I know this is hard to believe but since childhood I was gifted with a power more like cursed with a special power. I could see ghosts around me and it terrified me every night back when I was a kid. Sometimes even waking up at night to see a soul approaching me. Later my parents found out they were trying to seek help from me or guide people who were in trouble.”

“I abhorred this power. Why did I have to be the chosen one? But as time passed by I learned to accept it. Many lives were saved and some even told the truth to people I've encountered. But you see this power is not obviously the best since I don't exactly know or remember what that particular person said while taking control of my body. Being possessed is no fun.” He chuckled painfully.

Ae-ri's eyes softened. “Hey I'm sure we can try getting rid of this power. And thanks to you, I was about to do something bad but stopped myself. Though, it hurts but I'm sure I'll get over it.” Ae-ri felt sympathetic towards him.

“I hope no one suffers through what you're going through,” Yoongi exclaimed empathetically. “It's fine, let's not talk about me. As I was saying before, I think I can help you. There is this really good exorcist that is helping me get rid of a spirit that's haunting us.” “Really?”

Yoongi asked with excited eyes. “Yes, but here's the catch: he'll be coming 15 days later on the blue moon day. To exterminate that evil spirit. Hope she disappears forever from our lives.” Ae-ri grunted angrily. “I'll have to head back now, it was nice meeting you and thanks for the help!!” Yoongi smiled his gummy smile pulling out his hand for a friendly handshake.

“So Miss Ae-ri met him, I see! You really think he'll be able to help you?” Jungkook watched her walk out of the mall, his palms tugged in his pants pockets as usual. Ae-ri reached home, to see an unknown guy at the doorstep. “How may I help you?” She politely questions. “Are you Miss Ae-ri?” “Yes I am.” “There is a parcel for you please sign on this.”

The delivery boy handed her the box she signed on the paper. Taking the package into her room Jungkook strides in as soon as she steps inside the room. “Enjoy your days as much as you can, she won't leave you Ae-ri” he chuckled, his laugh radiating off the dark aura. Now Ae-ri was confused, was he a ghost as well?

“Aww I'm not a ghost Ae-ri though I wanted to be with my love, but sadly I couldn't. I know you have all the proof against me. But who's gonna believe you Jimin Hyung? Nah!! He won't trust you over his blood related cousin and heart sworn loved wife. What a pity would it be won't it? When he kicks you out of the house?”

Jungkook played with his knife walking upstairs but stopped mid way gesturing to his watch. “Time is ticking Ae-ri” she felt terrified. “What did he mean by time ticking?” Walking inside her room with a gloomy expression. She was immersed in her thoughts. “Hey Ae-ri what happened? Why does your face look so pale?” Jimin voiced his concern.

“Jimin you won't believe me but Jungkook isn't what you think he is!!” Jimin sighed, nodding his head. “I know I've seen his behaviour, people all claimed he's a normal person but he's not. Did he do something to you? I'll break his jaw right now!! Fuck his help I'd forget the favour he did to us, nothing is big in front of my wife's safety and happiness.”

Jimin took the box from her hand, placing it down on the desk in the bedroom. He sat down on the bed gesturing his hand for her to sit. “Tell me what is bothering you? I'll try my best to help you.” Ae-ri inhales sharply and speaks the words she knows she'll regret later.

“Y/N and Jungkook got together behind your back, she was cheating on you Jimin. Jungkook still loves her, he's obsessed with her. He wants us dead as well. I think he's involved with Y/N'S ghost to kill us.” Jimin clenched his jaw. “WTF- are you saying?”

He angrily spat trying to not shout at her. “I knew you wouldn't believe me, here's the proof.” She pulled out her phone showing the pics Taehyung had sent and warned her not to use it in any circumstances until the right time comes. This was the right time to expose you and Ae-ri wasn't gonna let this opportunity go out of her hands.

Jimin's breath became shaky. Hands shivering looking at the photos. “Noo this is a lie, my Y/N would never cheat on me.” He clutched tightly onto the phone.

“I knew you wouldn't believe me Jimin, but it's the truth. Your Y/N cheated on you all those years you loved her. The day she met with an accident Y/N was coming to reveal her dirty deeds to you. Due to her ill fate she got into that accident and passed away.” Jimin threw the phone across the wall shattering it. Falling down on his knees. He felt betrayed and hurt.

He never in his life thought the woman he loved with his dear life would cheat behind his back. He angrily stood up glaring at Ae-ri approaching her, she was frightened seeing his bloodshot eyes. Without saying a word he walked out of the room. 

Ae-ri was baffled and in a dilemma she stared at her now destroyed phone sighing picking up the broken pieces.

“Guess it's time to finally replace you. Yay! At last this phone helped me in destroying and exposing that cheater Y/N. Jimin's gonna surely love me now. He doesn't deserve her, I'll surely heal him.”

Jungkook clenched his jaw after watching the scene unfold in front of his eyes. He couldn't do anything to Ae-ri not yet.

“Start counting your days Kang Ae-ri, the day ain't far.” A crooked smile plastered on his handsome face walking away with his hands in his pants pocket.

His Second Wife✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora