[16] I miss her

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TW//mention of death, grieving, argue/fight-ish?

(Again the Drista from my story is nothing like the Irl Drista, the Drista from my story is older then Dream!!)

Dream walked out of the airport after he got his suitcases. He took in a deep breath as he looked around, it was different. It was way less busy, and big. Dream could smell the sea which felt a little strange to him. He took out his phone and called his sisters girlfriend.

"Hi Dream"
"Hey Niki"
"How are you?"
"I just landed and have no clue what to do."
"I'll come pick you up, send me your location."
"Okay, I will. Thanks."

Dream hung up the phone and send his location to Niki, not long after he saw a car pull up and a girl with pink hair stepped out. That's Niki, she walked up to him and hugged him. "I'm sorry for your loss Dream." She said in a soft tone, he could hear the accent in her voice. "You too." He said back and pulled away from the hug. "Well this is The Netherlands, we both studied here." Niki said as she looked at Dream. "Are my parents here?" Dream asked Niki and she shook her head sadly. "I thought so.." Dream said, he didn't know if he wanted them to be here but it's their child for gods sake. "Let's go yeah?" Niki asked as she started to walk to her car. Dream walked with her and they both got in the car. Niki started driving to her and Drista's place. Dream just stared out of the window, this place looks very cool but a little boring in his opinion.

The car came to a stop so Dream and Niki got out of the car, he looked at the house and smiled a little. This is where his sister lived, it's not small but it's not big. It looks very cozy. They walked in and Dream recognized Drista her perfume immediately. They sat down on the couch in silence. Dreams head started to fill with memories again, his eyes started to tear up. "I miss her so much." Dream said as his voice broke. Niki started to tear up as well. "I know, me too." She said and pulled Dream in for a short hug. They didn't know each other that well but they're both very close to Drista. "Do you wanna say something that you loved about her?" Niki asked softly after they both calmed down a little. Dream nodded and cleared his throat. "I loved that whatever I said to her how crazy it might have been. She always supported me, she was always there no matter what. I just wanna tell her that she made me the person I am today and I'm so grateful for the time I had her in my life. If I could just tell her." Dream said trying to hold back his tears. "She was amazing, she always made me so happy with the smallest gestures. She always left me notes when she went to work early. She always brought something home. She was the most amazing person I have ever known." Niki said as she thought back to everyday that they spend together.

"I hope she knows how much she meant to so many people." Dream said softly. "She knows. She's probably watching over us right now." Niki said with a sigh. "Maybe." Dream responded. "It's getting late, maybe we should go to bed?" Niki asked and Dream nodded. Tomorrow is the funeral so they need to get some sleep. Dream went to the guest room and Niki went to her room. Dream got in bed and as he closed his eyes he almost immediately fell asleep.


George woke up, it was early. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. Yesterday's events coming back to him. Dream had left, he took his phone from beside him. No text from Dream. He's probably just tired from the flight George thought to himself. George was snapped out of his thoughts by a knock on the door. "Yeah?" He said and the door opened, Karl walked in and sat on the bed next to George. "How are you feeling?" Karl asked softly as George put his head on his shoulder. "I don't know" George answered as he sighed. "Sap and me are going out tonight after school, you should come and try to have fun." Karl suggested to George. "How? We're not even 21 yet." George said and Karl got something from his pocket. "Yes we are Greg Bavidson." Karl said and giggled. "You got us fake ids?! Are you insane that's so illegal!" George said shocked by his friends actions. "I know, but tell be funnn. Please Gogy?" Karl asked which made George roll his eyes. "Fine" George said. "Now get ready for school." Karl said while he got out of bed and left the room.

George got into the shower letting the water run over his face. It felt refreshing. He washed himself and got out of the shower a bit later. He dried himself of and walked back to the guest room to change into some clothes. He put on one of Dreams hoodies that Dream had left in his car and a pair of jeans. The hoodie was way too big for George, just how he likes it. He walked out the room and went into the kitchen where Sapnap was making breakfast. "Morning Sap." George said softly with a little smile. "Morning Gogyyyyyy." Sapnap said dragging out his name. "What are you making?" George asked. "Just eggs." Sapnap answered "I hope it goes right." Sapnap added. "How could eggs go wrong- never mind you're Sapnap everything can go wrong." George said and chuckled. Sapnap jaw dropped. "That's so not true!" He said offended. "Well then don't let the eggs burn dumbass." George said and laughed. "I hate you."


George, Karl and Sapnap walked into the school together and to the table they always sat on. Then someone came up to them, they never expected this. "Hey George." Luna said and sat next to him. "Leave please." George said already getting angry. "Where's Dream huh? Did he realize you weren't good enough for him? Did he realize that his best friend was in love with him?" She asked with a grin. "Shut the fuck up! Leave! You are so awful, you knew he didn't love you so you told him you were pregnant! You have always been awful to him and jealous of what we have. So just go and leave me the fuck alone!" George yelled as he now stood in front of Luna with everyone looking at them. Luna just smacked George, rage filled his eyes. "That was a mistake!" He said and was about to smack her back but Sapnap held him back so he wouldn't make the mistake. Luna ran away like the bitch she is. George tried to get away from Sapnap but couldn't. "George calm down, it's okay." Karl said as he went in front of him. George started to tear up, this was nothing like him at all. "I'm sorry." George said and held his hands to his face. "I'm so sorry." He said again and Karl just hugged him. "It's okay George, it's okay."

After everyone had calmed down the bell rang. They had gym, so all three of them walked to the gym in silence. George was very upset, he felt like a whole different person. He was just so mad at her, how she had hurt Dream so many times. What she did to him was inhumane. "Thanks Guys for holding me back. I don't know what got over me." George softly said. "It's fine dude, you're upset. We all do things we don't normally do when we're in a state like that." Sapnap said as he patted George's shoulder. "Yup all good." Karl added to the conversation.
So this was an absolute mess lol. I picked the Netherlands cuz I live there and thought it might be easy. Niki is Drista her girlfriend, in no way I'm thinking that's irl or anything. I'm trying to make this very clear😫 I'll warn you again NO HAPPY ENDING so beware please.
I wrote this the 29th of September

Words: 1391

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