[15] Promise

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TW//depression, mature language, bullying (flashback), mention of death.

George slowly woke up from a noise coming from beside him, he opened his eyes and turned to look at Dream. Dream was sitting at the side of the bed with his head in his hands. Soft sniffles were coming from the blonde as he cried into his hands. George looked sadly as he moved towards Dream and pulled him into his chest, Dream buried his face into George's chest and just let his tears and emotions flow. George was softly rubbing his back with tears coming to his own eyes, seeing Dream like this was the hardest thing for George.

"The funeral is in Europe" Dream said after a few minutes, after a short pause he began again. "That's what she wanted, so I'm gonna be there." He added softly. "Ofcourse, when do we go?" George asked softly still holding Dream close to him. "I'm going by myself.. I'm sorry George for doing this to you. But I don't want you to see me like this for longer. But I will be back right after the funeral." Dream said while he looked into George's eyes, tears running down both of their cheeks. "Dream, I- I don't think it's good for you to be alone right now." George said softly as he held dreams cheek in his hand. "George I will be okay." Dream said while biting his lip. "But how will I know Dream?" George asked trying to keep it together. "Just reach for me, we're connected George. So..

...just reach for me when u need me."

George nodded a little, he wouldn't go if Dream didn't want him to. He might need some space. "But the same goes for you, just reach for me okay? Promise me." George said looking at Dream with red eyes from crying. "I promise George" Dream softly said. "I'm leaving tonight." Dream said while looking back at George. George's heart was broken but he just nodded. "I'll help you pack" George said, it felt like one of the hardest things to say. Helping your soulmate pack to leave to another region while in this state? He felt horrible about it.

And before they knew it they were packing Dreams stuff in total silence, they both didn't want Dream to leave. Dream felt like he had to because he doesn't want George to have to put up with him. George just didn't want Dream to go, but he won't stop Dream from going because somewhere he gets why he has to go alone. He's just worried about Dream being in this state. All he can do is hope for the best in this horrible situation. "Done" Dream said after he zipped up both the suitcases. George looked at them and then at Dream and got tears in his eyes again. Dream walked over to George and hugged him tightly. "I love you so much George, never forget that." Dream said softly. "I won't, I love you too Dream. So much." George said back as they stayed in each other's embrace. "Do you wanna lay in bed for a bit?" Dream asked after a long silence. "Yes please" George said with his voice breaking. They walked to their bed and got in it and under the covers holding each other immediately. They just laid there. It felt like minutes but when Dream looked at the time 2 hours had passed. Which means it's time for him to leave. Leave his soulmate.

"It's time" Dream spoke up and George took in a deep breath as he slowly got up. "Okay" he said as he got out of bed with Dream following not long after. They both took one suitcase as they started to walk to the car. They loaded the suitcases up in the trunk and both got in the front seats. Dream started the car and began driving to the airport that wasn't to far from where George lived. About a 20 minute drive. Those 20 minutes went way to fast for them, before they knew it they were parked at the airport. "Are u sure you want to go alone?" George asked while he took Dreams hand. "I have to." Dream said and George nodded. They got out of the car and as soon as they were next to each other again George took Dreams hand. They both had a suitcase in the other hand as they walked into the airport, they were a little late so they went through security and send Dreams suitcases on the conveyer thing. (Sorry idk how airports work) they sat down and not 5 minutes later Dreams flight got called. They stood up and walked to the gate. Dream held both of George's hands and looked into his eyes. "Remember to reach for me when you need me and I'll be there, I'll always be there." Dream said with a sad smile even though he was breaking from the inside. George had tears running down his cheeks, he just hugged Dream tightly. Tighter then ever. Dream started to cry himself. George backed away from the hug and pressed his lips against Dreams for a few seconds. "I love you" George said as Dream started to walk away still trying to hold onto George's hand. "I love you too." Dream said. He took another step and their contact broke. Dream turned around not wanting to look back, it would only make it harder for the both of them.

Dream boarded the plane with dried up tears on his face. He made the right decision right? It was to late to change it now anyways. He's leaving.

George walked back to the car, he got in and put his head on the steering wheel. He felt like he lost a part of him, he also feels like he's overreacting. But how could he not under these circumstances? He didn't drive home, instead he drove to the place where he and Dream met.

"You annoying little fuck!" A bully said as he pushed the young boy to the ground. "What did I do?" The boy asked while frowning. "You spoke" The guy said and was about to kick the boy on the ground, he was bracing for impact but it never happened. Some stranger pulled the bully aside. "Get away from him!" He yelled and the bully ran of, everyone knew they shouldn't mess with him. The stranger went up to boy and held out his hand to pull him up.

"Who are you?"
"I'm Clay, but you can call me Dream"
"I'm George."

"Nice to meet you George. Are you okay?" Dream asked. "Because of you I am. Thanks for that." George said with a smile. "Why was he bullying you?" Dream asked and George shrugged. "Because I'm British or something.." George said with a sigh "and because I never speak to anyone, or respond to their jokes." George added. "I think it's cool that you're British, why did u leave England?" Dream asked while he watched George's face drop at the question. "You don't have to answer that." Dream quickly said. "No its okay, my uhh my dad died so my mom wanted to leave." George spoke softly as he felt comfortable sharing this with the newfound friend. "I'm sorry for that. I'm here for you okay? I'll be your friend!" Dream said smiling. "I'd like that. Thank you." George said.

All these memories flood into George's mind, that day someone actually helped him. And because of that he has made friends and found his soulmate. Well technically his soulmate found him. George didn't know why he drove here, he was just driving and ended up here. George was crying while revisiting memories of him and Dream till he heard a knock on the window. He turned his head and Karl was just standing there confused. George opened the door and stepped out and let himself fall in Karl's arms. "George?! What's going on?" Karl asked worried for his best friend who look devastated. "Dream left- his sister passed away. And- and he's not okay and now he's going to Europe." George could barely get out behind his choked up sobs. Karl sighed and softly rubbed George's back. "Shhh it's okay George, it'll be alright. Let's go to my place yeah? I was just on a walk and saw your car." George nodded slowly trying to calm himself down. "I'll drive" Karl said as he got in the drivers seat and George got in the passenger seat. He doesn't wanna be alone now.


They got out of the car and walked in Karl's and Sapnap place. Sapnap was sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone. "Hey babeee" he spoke up not looking up from his phone. "Hey, is it okay if George's stays for a few days?" Karl asked which made Sapnap look up from his phone and at George. "Are you okay?" He asked when he saw how upset George looked. George just shrugged. "Ofcourse you can I'll make the bed of the guest room." Sapnap spoke while he stood up. "Thanks" George said as he sat down next to Karl who had sat down a few seconds before. "I'm here for you, you know that right?" Karl asked softly. "Yeah.. I'm here for you too Karl. Thanks a lot for this." George said softly as he hugged Karl for a few seconds. "No problem dude." Karl said smiling a little. "I'm gonna order pizza now, do you want some?" Karl asked while looking at George. "Sure, I haven't eaten all day.." George said, he didn't eat all day because he was to busy with Dream on his mind. He just forgot. "Well now that you're here you can eat everything you want. Sapnap always buys to much food." Karl said and giggled softly, George smiled a little. "Good to know."

So there were some important parts in this chapter that U will see back. So remember this one people 🤪
There's gonna be lots of drama after this, don't expect a happy ending cuz it won't be. I hope you enjoyed this.. if that's even possible. Still thanks for making it so farrrr.
I wrote this the 26 of September.

Words: 1714

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