
"You like it?"

"Y-yes, harder"

"Yah! I've been massaging your back for the past one hour! And will you stop making weird noises!"

"Shhh! I didn't tell you to stop yet, continue" Y/n huffed and continue massaging Namjoon.

Namjoon had dragged her into a warm cat cafe he booked for Y/n and him only and told her to massage him as her punishment, the two were too busy to notice that Namjoon's guards are trying to keep crabs away from attacking the cats.

"Why did you even come back here?" She asks him as she massages him.

"You didn't reply to my letter for more than a week, so I thought you were dead"

"I was sick Joon"

"What?!" He quickly turns his head to her and cupped her face "you were sick?! Why didn't you tell me?" Y/n took his hands off her face and says "it's just a fever Joon, and I'm okay now" Namjoon put his hand on her forehead to check on her temperature, he sighed in relief when he feel her normal temperature.

Suddenly a cat went to sit on Y/n's lap and snuggled on her stomach to feel her warmth, Namjoon glared at the cat with jealousy in his eyes and shooed them.

"Yah go away" the cat didn't listen and keep snuggling on Y/n, Y/n giggled and began to play with the cat.

"Hey, your punishment is not done yet!" Namjoon tries to get Y/n's attention but she ignores him by playing with the cat Namjoon pouted and think of ways how to get her attention, an idea pops into his head and Namjoon lay on the floor then he starts to roll around like the cat, which immediately gets Y/n's attention.

"Joonie-ah what are you doing?" Y/n asks the rolling Namjoon as she giggled "I'm not Namjoon I'm a cat, and I'm trying to get your attention" Namjoon then continues rolling on the floor which makes Y/n laugh.

"Aww you poor kitty" Y/n bring her hands on Namjoon's waist and starts to tickles him, Namjoon starts to laugh and he didn't try to stop her, he loves feeling her hands on his body, the two was too deep in their world that they didn't notice the horrified look on the King's guards as they watch their King being soft, a new side of the King that they never seen before.

They are wondering how a simple maiden can make their heartless cold King becomes this soft? Not once they have seen their King being so affectionate to a woman, their horrified expression is soon replaced with warm smiles as they think that they are soon going to have a Queen.

The cafe's door opened which caught the guards attention, they saw King Jin entered the cafe with his guards, Namjoon's head guard was about to stop him, but Jin's guards stopped her before she could approach the King.

The two still didn't notice the presence of the King in the room, so Jin cleared his throat and keep his bloody fist on his back, the two looked up and they have different reactions when they see Jin.

Y/n was shocked and a little scared when she saw Jin, while Namjoon feel his blood boils when he saw him, Jin sit down on the floor across them and was about to say something to Y/n but Namjoon cut him off.

"Leave, I booked this place"

"So? I booked this place for this afternoon, you're the one who's going to leave" Jin said with a sly smirk on his face, Namjoon take Y/n's hand on his and stood up, but before they could walk away Jin grabs Y/n's other hand.

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