"Here. Put this on." He threw everything on my bed.

"Wait, let me give you your present." I reach under my bed to grab it.

"We don't have time. Get dressed, damn it!" His loud voice made my ears slightly ring. "We'll exchange gifts later." He said in a softer tone.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Now Me and Kacchan are in the backseat of his parents car. I stare out the window watching the snow slowly stick to the ground. Kacchan is humming along to the Christmas music coming from the car radio. Glancing at him, I remember how beautiful his voice is. I try to conceal my smile and look out the window, once again.

I'm guessing he noticed me because immediately afterward he held my hand. My cheeks started to warm up.

"You kids are so gosh darn cute!" Mitsuki blurts out. She was watching us through the rearview mirror.

"Awe, I knew you two would end up together." Masaru adds. He had a loving smile and small tears in his eyes. I could tell that they were really happy. I didn't have it in my heart to tell them the truth. I could only assume that Katsuki noticed, too. He didn't say a word. He caught my attention and winks at me. He makes me so happy. Fuck. It really sucks that Katsuki has a crush on someone else. His crush makes me feel heavyhearted on the inside. All I can think about is whether I should kill myself and his dumb crush.

I bet he wishes that he was holding hands with them instead of me. Now that I think about it why is he holding my hand?

After 10 minutes or so, we finally arrive at our destination, which is ... the mall!!

"You guys really brought us to this shirty place, again? How lame." Katsuki growls as his grip tightens on my hand.

"Quiet, Katsuki. I love coming here." I say defending his parents. Every Christmas since me and Kacchan became friends his parents would take us to see the mall Santa and take pictures. I thought maybe since we didn't live at home anymore they would stop taking us, but I'm happy they decided to keep this tradition going.

"C'mon kiddies. We have to get a good spot in line." Masaru spoke after his wife parked the car.

As we exit the car Katsuki places his arm around my shoulder. His warmth was what I needed on this chilly day.

"I've never seen Katsuki be so touchy before." Mitsuki loudly whispers to her lover. Her husband laughs at her comment. It's true. Kacchans never been so lovey-dovey with me.

"Y/n-chan, how are you not cold wearing that skirt?" Masaru asks while he puts on his designer winter coat and cupping his hands to blow on them.

'A hoe never gets cold.'

"Oh, I don't know." I quietly giggle to myself.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Third Person POV:

"Can you please pass me the gumdrops?" Y/n politely asks Bakugo. He does so without a word. She adds a clean line of gumdrops to the top of her gingerbread roof. Her gingerbread house was cutesy. A chimney made of caramel cubes. She had candy canes crumbs sprinkled on the door. A yellow peep by the house to look as if it was going home.

Dear Katsuki || ᴋ. ʙᴀᴋᴜɢᴏKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat