Chapter 11: Cale Henituse's Beauty

Depuis le début

It made Cale frown. She greeted them one more time but this time she raised her voice a little.

"Good morning."

They flinched and immediately took their gazes away from Cale.

"Ehem... Yes, good morning. Please, take a seat, Cale," Eric faked a cough before pointing the seat across him.

Cale nodded her head then walked to her seat then sit down.

Her movement was so graceful, making the three northeastern nobles doubt if the girl in front of them is really Cale Henituse.

After a long silence which made Cale feel a little bit awkward, Amiru Ubarr was the one who first started to speak.

"Young lady Cale, I know I might be rude but are you going to stay as a woman, or are you now still finding a way to turn back into a man?"

"Even if I keep searching for a way to turn back into a man, I know I will never going to find it."

"Why is that, young lady Cale?"

Cale smiled as she looked at Amiru. Amiru didn't even flinch unlike Eric and Gilbert when Cale looked at them, she always had her calm smile on her face.

"I once met the priestess of Eternal Night before and she said that the one who was responsible for my gender suddenly changing was the God of Death. That's why I can't change back."

Cale took the glass of water and then sipped it.


The sound of glass had been put down on the table had been heard. Cale glanced at Eric and Gilbert before lifting her face to look at Amiru again.

"Unless you know something that can fight God's will then I might have a chance to turn back."

Amiru smiled and then softly nodded her head.

"I understand, young lady Cale. I hope you will not be mad if I treat you like my little sister."

Cale chuckled.

"My parents already accepted the fact that I am no longer their son but their daughter."

'Most people already started to treat me like a girl anyway.'

Just after saying that, Cale's face immediately turned stoic as she had never been chuckling before.

She then looked at Eric who keep avoiding her gaze.

"Hyun- no, Orabeoni, do you have something to say to me?"

Eric exhaled before turning his head to look at Cale. He awkwardly smiled when their eyes already meet each other.

"You will listen to this hyu- orabeoni, right?"


At the same time but in a different place, Alberu was arranging all the documents that were on his table. He divided it into the finished ones and the unfinished, the important ones and the unimportant ones.

And most of the unimportant ones were the queen's suggestion of his marriage.

However, Alberu had no desire to look into it.

"But what if she is one of the lists?"

Impatiently, Alberu started to take a look at the unimportant documents that might be important if the girl that he had been searching for was on the list.

"Red hair, red hair, red hair."

Alberu repeated those words like a mantra as he kept searching for the girl he longed to see.

At that moment, someone was knocking on the door.

Knock knock knock

"Alberu, it's me, Tasha."

"Oh, Aunt Tasha, come in."

The door opened and Tasha entered the room with some paper in her hands and an orb.

Alberu looked at the orb on Tasha's hand, it was a recording orb.

"What's the matter, Aunt?" Alberu asked but still focused himself on the unimportant documents.

"Have you heard about the rumor that a young man turned into a woman?"

"Yes, the firstborn of the Henituse family. Why?"

Tasha's smile became wider. She seemed to be so excited.

It made Alberu frown.

'What so excited about a man turned into a woman?'

However, seeing Alberu's frowned face didn't stop Tasha from being a little too excited. She immediately started her storytelling.

"Accordingly with what I had heard, God of death was the one who turned him into a girl. That means that man can't turn back into his usual self and have to live as a girl for the rest of his life."


"I also already heard that the Henituse family already announced that their first born son is now a daughter!"


Alberu didn't have the chance to talk since Tasha's excited voice interrupted him.

"She's a goddess, oh elementals! I know why God of Death turned that man into a girl."

"Enough, Aunt. I don't want to hear about that anymore."

Tasha pouted but then sighed.

"Fine. Well, have you seen her face?"

Alberu shook his head.

"Here, this is the recording of her."

"Wait- How did you get it? Aunt, do you stalk her?"

"It's not stalking when the wind elementals are everywhere. I can't help but be curious about her."

"Aunt, that's not how you use your elementals."

Tasha laughed as her hand rubbed the back of her neck.

"Hehe... Well, I have the copy so I leave this one here... So got to go. Bye!"

Tasha immediately went out of the room leaving Alberu in disbelief with his Aunt's childish action. He then looked at the orb that Tasha just left on his tea table.

He sighed and continued to look at the unimportant documents in his hand.

However, after an hour, disappointment was what Alberu got. The girl was not on the list and unimportant documents will still be unimportant.

He sighed and stood up from his seat to take the recording orb that Tasha left for him. He played it.

And watching the recording made Alberu want to cry.



Cale: Why do I feel like someone is watching me?

Tasha in the distance: wind elementals, closer! make sure to record every inch of her cute and gorgeous face!

The Day When Cale Henituse Suddenly Turned Into a GirlOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant