"A pleasure to meet you. I shouldn't be surprised that Oliver Queen would manage to get a girl even while stranded on an island."

Ana smiles tightly at him and pulls her hand away as gently as she can bear- she hates being touched except for by a select few- shifting closer to Oliver. "Tommy Merlyn," his eyebrows shoot up to his hairline at the sound of her accent, and Ana can't help the amused smile that crosses her face at that- Americans apparently don't run into too many Russians, she figures, because they're all so surprised when they meet her. It's odd, she knows there's a Bratva chapter here, one she and Oliver need to make contact with soon. "I've heard so much about you, and the trouble you and my Oliver would get up to." She smiles up at him, genuinely this time, and laughs when Tommy hisses and rubs the back of his neck sheepishly.

"He's a bad influence, what can I say?" He chuckles, giving her what she suspects is meant to be his most boyish look, one that's more than likely gotten him out of a lot of tight spots.

"Don't worry, Tommy," she laughs, shooting him her own misleadingly innocent smile, one that's had years to be perfected. "I'm well aware of his charm." She turns from the Merlyn fortune heir and back to Oliver, smile turning authentic and her eyes scrunching at the corners as a result. "I'm going to see if Raisa needs any help preparing dinner. Не попадайте в неприятности." (Don't get into any trouble.) She orders him teasingly, striding off towards the kitchen with her hips swinging.

"Из нас двоих проблема только в тебе." (Out of the two of us, you're the one that's trouble.) He shoots back, earning him an amazed look from his best friend that he ignores, and she turns her head to give him a mischievous smile over her shoulder.

She doesn't come across anyone on her way to the kitchens, but the room itself is bustling. Raisa and a few other Queen home employees are scurrying about preparing a multitude of dishes that will make up the multiple courses of dinner tonight. She stands there for a moment, her eyes scanning the room for escapes, weapons, kill zones, and counting the number of people in the room that she'd have to protect, before she announces her presence.

"Могу я протянуть вам руку помощи?" (Can I lend you a hand?) She grins from where she's leaning against the door jam, her arms crossed over her chest.

The entire kitchen stills at her words except for Raisa, who turns to her with a bright, maternal smile. "Тебе не нужно работать, дорогая. У нас все хорошо в руках." (You don't need to work, dear. We've got it well in hand.) Ana lets out a 'Psh' and treads further into the kitchen, coming to stand by the other Russian woman's side and taking the knife from her hand.

"Я хочу помочь. Кроме того, Томми и Оливеру нужно время, чтобы сблизиться." (I want to help. Besides, Tommy and Oliver need time to bond.) She smiles Raisa's way and begins deftly chopping the carrots laid out on the cutting board, the noise around them resuming as the rest of the workers in the kitchen begin cooking again.

"Итак, мистер Томми прибыл?" (So, Mr. Tommy has arrived?) Raisa asks as she lets Anastasia take over the chopping, moving over to the skin to skin potatoes instead.

"Ага." (Yep) She chirps in response, scooping up slices of carrots and turning to dump them in a tall pot to her left. "Надеюсь, у них не будет особых проблем." (Hopefully they don't get in too much trouble) Ana says, doubt obvious in her voice, before brushing the tops of the chopped up carrots off the cutting board and pulling over the onion that's lined up next.

"Проблема в средних именах этих двоих." (Trouble is those two's middle names) Raisa laughs, Anastasia joining in heartily and nodding in agreement. The moment of laughter and bonding is interrupted by the arrival of the lady of the house.

Green Hoods, Fiery Hair, and Russian Lullabies || Oliver Q.Where stories live. Discover now