"I'm not sad and jealous. I'm just having fun with them." He replies

"Yeah totally, not sad." My dad

"Or jealous" my mom adds

"Yeah, you're not any of those things son." aunt Aria replies

"This....this is a set up. A damn set up." Aarav replies and eats a mouthful of cake

"Whatever you say man" Alessandro says

Aarav just hums and eats another mouthful of cake.

Why do we love to pick on one another? I don't know but we do so very much

"So how was your vacation guys?" Alessandro asks

"It was good." My dad says

"Fun, lot of fun." He adds and puts an arm around mom who blushes

"Fun is an understatement." uncle Zayn adds and just like dad, he puts his arm around aunt Aria

"Yes, it is." She replies and also blushes

I look around and see that both Aarav and Adeline's mouth are set in thin lines. Aarav look at me and taps the back of his phone.

I feel my phone vibrate.

"I think our parents had a sexcation." The message says

"Oh, you think so! It's obvious. God, I wanna lose my memory." I reply

"Do you think they swapped with each other? Actually I don't want to know. While I am glad that my parents love each other, I don't need to be hearing about references to their sex life.' He replies

"I doubt they swapped? Our parents are too jealous and possessive. Remember the time, dad started shooting at a mini van in the highway because the guy winked at mom." I sent

"True. Remember the time dad shot up a bar because the bartender touched mom's hand when handing her the drink." He sent

"Why are you texting? He's right there" Celine whispers

A text comes in before I could reply

"Tell Celine to stop questioning our ways." He replies

Celine discreetly flips him off

He smiles and a new text comes in

"Do you peg Lucien with that finger?" he says

Celine laughs out loud but covers it with a laugh.

Aarav puts his phone away and brings his chair closer to us.

"I'm bored." He says

"What do you want me to do about that?" I ask

"I want to keep a lime in my penthouse. Just for the 5 of us." He says

"A lime?" Celine says

"It's like a get together, party thing. Caribbean word meaning , don't worry about it." I reply

"He is correct, so are you guys down? I'm 100% sure that Addy and Aless will come" He asks

"Sure" Celine replies

"Cool" he says and then motions for Adeline and Alessandro to come over

They do

"I'm keeping a lime in my penthouse. You have no choice but to come. It'll be the day after tomorrow." Aarav says

"We will be there." Adeline replies

"Great. I'll buy drinks and meats and snacks." He says and pulls out his phone, making a list

"You need a list for three items?" I ask

"Yup. You know me. If I don't remind myself then yall will show up at my door ready to hang out meanwhile I already forgot about everything" he says

"That is true." Adeline replies and hits his shoulder

We all continue to chit chat, eat, drink etc

"Alright, it's getting late now. I have a meeting with a therapist." Aarav says,  getting up

"You go to therapy?" Alessandro asks

"No why?" Aarav asks

"You just said you got a meeting with one." He replies

"Yeah. She is a therapist. I'm meeting her in a hotel for a few hours now to 'get my feelings out'." He says using finger quotations.

"Bro, you're a fucking sex addict." Alessandro says

"You're probably right. But hey at least my future girl will always be filled. Pun intended" He says

"So Imma see you motherfuckers on......on ahh......what day was the lime again?" He adds

"The day after tomorrow." Adeline replies with a blank face

"Right. So bye bye fuckers. See yall in two days." He says

He then bids my parents and his parents goodbye

"Fuck it's almost 9" Adeline says

"We'll also leave in a bit." Alessandro says

"So will we." I say

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