We kicked the guys out and got ready to leave. "Where are we going?" She asked me while grabbing my red Magcon hoodie. "They're probably going to take us someplace and kill us." I say and she glares at me. "Haha very funny." She says sarcastically. "Why else would they want to take us out at 12 in the morning?" I ask and she just rolls her eyes. She changes into her jeans from earlier along with my hoodie.

We met everyone downstairs in the lobby before we left. "So where exactly are we going?" Mahogany asked as we walked around. "Yeah where are we going?" I asked.

"Um..." Cameron stopped walking and looked around his surroundings. "I don't even know where we are." He said and we all groaned. "Mr. Canadian where are we?" Azucena asked and they all looked at me. "According to that street sign right there we are on Toronto drive." I say and Azu glares at me. (Ik it's so creative.)

"Thanks captain obvious." She says while rolling her eyes. "Where did you want to go anyways?" I ask the guys. "We wanted to explore." Nash says while we continue to walk down the street.

"Look there's the woods." Matt said pointing in the direction of a bunch of trees. "Your point is...?" Mahogany said trailing off. "Let's go and explore." Matt says answering her question.  "There is no way in hell that I am going into woods with you guys." Mahogany quickly denied. "Why are you scared?" Gilinsky teased. "No." Mahogany answered Gilinsky. "Then let's go into the woods. We have flashlights on our phones." Gilinsky says and Mahogany looks at Azu. "They're going to murder us." Azu says and Mahogany agreed. "I trust you but I don't trust you." Mahogany says. "That makes no sense." Aaron buds in. "Yeah it does." Mahogany says back. "Explain it." Aaron says, just before Mahogany started to speak Cameron spoke up.

"What happened to Skyler?" Cameron says while looking around the group of people. "SKY!" Cameron called but there was no response. "Wouldn't she have made a sound if she was being kidnapped?" Hayes asked. "Who said she got kidnapped?" Carter asked. "She's not here is she?" Hayes responded. "That doesn't mean she got kidnapped." Carter responded. "Shut up both of you." Gilinsky said annoyed.

After ten minutes we all started to panic. "SKYLER!" I yelled hoping to get a response. Someone jumped on my back and covered my eyes. "BOO!" I recognized that voice anywhere. "Skyler!" I yell and she jumped off of my back, I pulled her into a tight hug not wanting to let go. 

"Don't fucking do that, you scared me so much!" Taylor said pulling her into a hug right after me. He whispered something in her ear before pulling away from the hug.

"Where did you go?" Cameron asked. She seemed to hesitate for a second before responding. "I stopped to tie my shoe and when I was done you guys disappeared." She said but I wasn't buying her story. I think I would've noticed her stop to tie her shoe.


I was pulled into a dark alley. The person pushed me against the wall. His hand covered my mouth so I couldn't scream. "If you scream I will kill you right now." The voice was so recognizable. But whose voice is it?

"What do you want with me?" I asked. There was a stinging pain on my right cheek. "I told you that you'll always be mine." He says, right then I knew it was Zachary. "Why me of all people?" I ask but He doesn't respond. "You're a worthless piece of shit." He growls before punching me in the stomach knocking the wind out of me.

That doesn't answer my question.

I'm tired of him slapping me around. I slapped him with my free hand only making him angry. He grabbed my wrist and slammed me against the hard concrete wall. "you stupid bitch." He grabbed a fistful of my hair pulling it so I looked up at him. He evilly smirked at me before punching me multiple times in the stomach. He threw me to the ground and stood over me.

Only You {Shawn Mendes}Where stories live. Discover now