2 | Yoon Jeonghan

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He is beautiful.

His smile is beautiful.

He is like an older brother to his members.

They share their concerns and worries with him.

He listens well.

He loves to hug them and assure them.

He stays up late talking and relating to them.

He cares about their mental and physical state.

His laugh is so sweet and cute.

He cheats in games but is still loved by everyone. (😉)

He is so good with children.

Little children love him.

His hair looks soft to touch.

It hurts him to see his members struggling and having a hard time.

He cries when his members cry.

The way he sings so beautifully and passionately sometimes brings tears to my eyes.

When he sings its like a soft soothing lullaby.

He cares for his family so much.

He may seem mean and and unkind sometimes, but he cares so much and feels thing so deeply.

When he cries, I cry.

I feel so heartbroken when I see him crying and/or in pain.

He is so precious.

He is so special.

He is so caring.

Thank you for being loving and caring towards not just your members, but everyone.

Thank you for your passion and love of music.

Thank you for being hardworking.

Thank you for all the comforting words you say, that have helped me in tough times.

And thank you for being you.

Yoon Jeonghan, I am so proud of you and I love you.

Sincerely, Carat(s)

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