10 | Lee Seokmin

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His smile is like sunshine.

He laughs, and the whole room seems to light up.

He is the mood maker of the team.

He is SO talented.

His singing is beautiful.

He can hit such high notes with what looks like ease.

When he laughs or smiles, his eyes crinkle at the corners and its so precious.

When he cries, it breaks my heart.

He is part of the trio BooSeokSoon, and it is hilarious!

He is so funny!

He hates heights, yet he once went bungee jumping.

He gets scared easily.

He is basically Joshua and Jeonghan's triplet. (😂)

I know I already said it, but his singing is so beautiful.

He is so cute and precious when he is hugging his members.

He often thinks he is not strong or talented.

He is SO strong, and SO talented!

I love him so much!

He is in the musical Xcaliber, as King Arthur and is amazing in it!

HE is amazing.

Thank you for your passion and love of music.

Thank you for being hard working.

Thank you for all the comforting words you say, that have helped me in tough times.

And thank you for being you.

Lee Seokmin, I am so proud of you and I love you.

Sincerely, Carat(s)

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