5 | Kwon Soonyoung

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His eyes when he smiles, are so precious.

His dancing is truly amazing!

When he sings, he sings with so much passion.

He loves tigers.

He even came up with a way to say *Tiger* and *I love you* at the same time.

His rapping cracks me up, but sometimes he can do it well.

He's like a hamster with stuffed cheeks, although he swears that he isn't.

He hates it when people call him hamster and not tiger.

He helps Choreograph most of Seventeen's dances.

He has so much energy!

But as all people do, he sometimes becomes very tired.

He is a little slow with new technology, which I find adorable.

He loves hugging his members.

He craves attention.

Watching him hugging his members is so precious.

He is so strong.

Seeing him cry is heartbreaking.

He loves goofing around and being silly.

He is part of the trio BooSeokSoon, which is hilarious.

I want him to be happy.

He is so precious.

He is so loved.

Thank you for your passion and love of music.

Thank you for being hard working.

Thank you for all the comforting words you say, that have helped me in tough times.

And thank you for being you.

Kwon Soonyoung, I am so proud of you and I love you.

Sincerely, Carat(s)

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