-Chapter twenty three-

Start from the beginning

He averted his gaze "Nothing..." something's up "Are you okay Bad?" Was that a blunt question? Yes, yes it was. But the worry inside of my chest has been eating me up. "I- How come you ask this all of a sudden?" you aren't helping

"BA- Bad, just answer the question." His face morphed into a more uncomfortable one. "I am fine Skeppy, listen" he took in a long sigh "I know you must be worried sick about me but can we just; move on?"

How am I supposed to react to that? How can we move on and pretend that nothing happened? "I am sorry, I shouldn't have said that" No you shouldn't have "It's okay, not your fault Bad, don't blame yourself." An awkward silence arose; taking over both of our voices.

He takes the sit next to me and fiddles around it. "So, should I start the stream?" the silence wears off as both of us begin to discuss what we should stream and or do. "I can set up Rat cam?" I giggled at his enthusiasm "You always set up rat cam"

And as if she could hear, Lucy entered the room and curled into a small fluffy ball, that could easily be mistaken for a cloud. "Seeee, there she is! Isn't she just the cutest" "Nooo, you are the cutest" nice one Skeppy.

He shook his head left and right "Nuh-uh, Rat is!" I made a fake crying sound, pretending as if I were sad. Bad let out a 'disappointed' sigh "I mean, YOU are the cutest" he quickly mutter a 'but Lucy is still pretty cute'.

Maybe it will be better, if we can move on and forget what happened. Sure, healing may take a while, but we can still try...


After reviewing the sound and video quality we went live. Also, the famous and beloved rat-cam was set up, but I already knew people would ask for facecam.

We waited for others to join the stream and sooner or later we began greeting them with 'Welcomes and hellos'. The tension had now completed vanished and both of us could tell. The streamed turned out be great and there were many memorable moments.

For example when someone donated that if Lucy and I were falling off a bridge who would he save. I found that funny, not really caring about his answer but what his reaction was. He slightly smiled and acted like nothing happened and that he couldn't hear.

Things like this remind me why I am his friend. Why I become his friend in the first place. Sure three years may not be a long time but I feel like I can trust him with my whole life. He is all I can think about as of lately.

Is it bad that I miss how things were? Could that be considered selfish? I really hope not. I just wish that I didn't have to worry about him as much as I do, it might also get annoying for Bad. But of course, he wouldn't say anything...

I remember how he was the first time we chatted. Back then, when he didn't know me that well and used terms such as 'dude' and 'man'. He does that a lot to new friends nowadays. Makes me feel really happy that he refers to me with nicknames such as 'Geppy' even if it may be unintentional.

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