It didn't help that he didn't want to be in control. As necessary as he'd deemed it, what was happening was an abomination. Having an audience further aggravated him. Keeping his eyes on his mate's every movement was all that kept him barely controlled.

She was poetry in motion. Every tilt of her head was graceful. She didn't have any wasted motions and even when she was still, it was beauty. There was a caring nature to her that Andre felt could never be tainted. He'd make damn sure it never would be.

Her long hair flowed down her back, the way she knew he liked. The front cut to frame her face and enhance that untainted look she had. His heart hurt as he looked at her, knowing she was his. That he'd been so lucky to hold her like no other.

She wore a tight pink t-shirt, a plain one that seemed to mould onto her like a second skin. Black skinny jeans and a pair of white sneakers finished her look, again the jeans moulded to her as if they had been painted on. He'd wanted to demand that she take them off and wear something else.

But Andre had promised himself he'd not restrain his mate's freedom even when it was all he wanted to do. She was like a fragile bird that could only be at its best if nurtured. So his jaw clenched as he saw the admiring glances dragon males sent her way. What eased him though was seeing her oblivious to them, seeing that she only had eyes for him.

They were in an ancient hall, one that had powerful magic sunk into its very stones. Hieroglyphs that were more ancient than those in Egypt graced the aged pillars of the stage. A stage that was sunk into the middle of the hall. They were now too faint to even guess at. A series of seats reminiscent of bleachers rose away from the stage and Andre sensed that there was magic in the place that would allow every person in attendance to see the stage clearly.

He hated that so many dragons were here to witness what would be a vulnerable moment for him and his mate. If it weren't for the fact that he could sense the new bond between the dragon prince Eric and Dani, Andre was sure neither his wolf nor he would've tolerated his presence.

'Calm yourself, young prince.' Cari's grandmother said through the mental link every member of the werewolf nation had with their royals unless the royal didn't allow it.

He nearly huffed out loud. 'You're about to sever my bond with Cari while we're surrounded by our enemies and the man you helped steal my mate.' He stated in a hard mental tone.

She gave a mental sigh. 'It was necessary.'

'So you said.' Andre observed. 'I still haven't figured out why.'

'I'm now existing in all-time Andre. Before I only caught a glimpse of what would be but now I catch glimpses of every moment in time. Which means I see it all. If you could see all of time, wouldn't you do everything you can to see your family happy?'

He thought that over and realised she was right. He even knew that sometimes knowing what would be was too dangerous, that in trying to make it happen people were more likely to mess up. As the goddess of fate though, Cari's grandmother's will was more than enough to shift things in this world. Which made her a great ally to have. He still wouldn't want to be around her much though.

Andre turned his head to face her and met her brown gaze so like his mate. Even the sense of banked power in them was familiar. She wore a white dress of ancient design. It suited the aura of dignified power she held while giving her a timeless quality. Her dark tight curls were piled on top of her head into a regal twist before they fell down her back.

She reeked of suppressed power.

'Promise me you'll never hurt her.' He asked of her, knowing that he could never command anything of her, no one could.

Her Second Chance✔ (To be published)Where stories live. Discover now