Claire POV

I went into the shop and take a look of it. It's really pretty. It's giving me mystical and mysterious vibes. I look through into the souvenir by the shop and i noticed a cute doll keychain. It's a boy, in a stage. Maybe being an idol is his dreams. But, this keychain reminds me of someone...

"Riki.." I laughed a bit.

"Stupid, why would I think about him? He maybe already being a successful person now as he wants to be an idol and the best dancer ever."

"What are you looking at? We're going to cinema soon." Jay asks.

"Nothing. Let's go." Claire said.

They go to the cinema and picks to watch adventures and action movies since Jay and Heeseung scared to watch the horror movies.

"Jeez, the horror movie is the best tho." Claire sighs.

"Oh no, no , not that please. I can't." Jay said while putting his hands on his forehead.

"Me too... It's so sus for me.." Heeseung said looking down.

Sunghoon didn't say anything, probably still emo because his girlfriend didn't contact him.

"Huh, whatever. Let's go!" Claire take the hotdog and drinks into the cinema.

Jay sit beside to Sunghoon since he was emo and try to convince him a little and Heeseung sit beside Claire.

It's been 30 minutes...

Claire POV

"This movie is so boring... This is not fun! I wanna watch the horror movie so bad... Huh" Claire sighs.

"Should I sleep? Nah why my brother is so bothering?"

"Nah nevermind, I should sleep now, too boring."

25 min later...

"Huh?" Heeseung shocked because something fell onto his shoulder.

It was Claire. Sleeping like a cow.

Heeseung POV

"Mhm, kinda cute. I didn't know that Jay could have a such a beautiful little sister." Heeseung smirk a bit.

"No, she is my friend's sister, how could i-"

"But that's not wrong tho"

"But of course she would see me as a brother... Wait she do have a brother lol, what I'm talking about..."

"Well, I will let her sleep on my shoulder then."

1 hour 30 min later...

"Hmm..?" Claire isn't in the conscience and her eyes still blurry.

"Why does my pillows feels so good this time..?" Claire lift her head and do some head stretch.

"Of course it feels so good." Heeseung said.

"Argh??!! What...?" Claire shocked to see that it was Heeseung.

"Uhm, I'm sorry.. It must be hurt for you I guess..?" Claire asks.

"Of course it does, but anything is okay for this little sleepy." Heeseung look at Claire.

"Well, the nickname looks a bit ugly..." Claire said.

Heeseung try not to embarrassed himself and cough a bit.

"Heeseung? You good? Why you coughing so much?" Jay asks.

"Nothing, I think I'm thirsty" Heeseung said.

"The movie is already end, let's go." Jay said.

Four of we stand up from the seat and exit the place.

Claire POV

I saw Sunghoon didn't know where to put the food container, so I went to him to help him.

"Give me this. I know where to put it." I hold out my hands to him so he can give the food container to me.

But... He just stared at me like he have a period.

"Bruh, even I'm on my period wasn't like that-"

"Okay, bye." I leave him alone. He's so emo.

While on our way to our house, Claire saw something on the streets.. But she wasn't sure about it.

She saw a familiar figured at the skateboard site. He is so handsome, flipping his hair up while skateboarding it.

"Huh??!! Jake??"

Fall For Me | jakesimWhere stories live. Discover now