'Wow, Abi, you look amazing. Extremely gorgeous.' Justin's jaw drops in surprise and I smile at abi triumphantly.


Abi blushes and twists a lock of her hair between her fingers. 'Thanks.' she mumbles.

'Shall we?' I ask, leading Abi and Justin to the door.

They walk off down the hall while Nikki and Shyla wait for me to lock the door.

'Sweet young love.' Nikki sighs.

'Aw Nikki, you'll find yours.' I put my arm around her shoulders and hug her tight.

'I think I've already found it.' she murmurs.


'I don't think he loves me back.' she sniffs.

'Nikki! You're make-up! Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry! Don't be sad right now, we're going to have a good time tonight, I promise.'

'Yeah, yeah.'

'Nikki.' I say sternly, stopping her and turning her to face me. 'Do not think of love tonight. Think of having fun and supporting Abi.'

Nikki takes a deep breath. 'Okay, I'm good. I will.'

'Good. And don't let me catch you being all sulky or I will...'

'You will...?' she raises her eyebrows at me.

'I will... not let you watch Smurfs any more!'

Her mouth makes an O shape and I grin at her, as we walk down to the elevator.

'You wouldn't.'

'I totally would.'

Nikki rolls her eyes at me and presses the number of the level.

When we get down, we see Justin and Abi by the door. Justin's holding her waist and they're both laughing uncontrollably, Abi grabbing onto him for support.

'Seems like they're having fun,' Nikki chuckles, all sadness of before gone.

'They do.' Shyla smiles happily.

'Oh there you guys are!' Abi smiles at us, rosy in the cheeks.

'There's the car, let's go.' Justin tugs at Abi, her hand in his and I nudge Shyla, nodding at their hands.

'Aw, they are just too cute.' she clasps her hands together and tilts her head to one side, staring after them.

I burst out laughing and we follow them to the car.

'So, who's doing the concert?' I ask Justin as we drive off.

'One of your favourite artists. Well, it's a mix...'

'What do you mean?' Abi looks confused.

'Oh my god!' I gasp. 'You mean, it's one concert... but there's gonna be loads of singers and groups singing there?'

JB nods, smiling at me.

'Yay! I can't wait! Oh my god!' I freak out, bouncing up and down in my seat, the seatbelt rubbing against my bare neck.

Nikki and Shyla squeal and cheer happily, all of us really excited.

I pull my phone out of my pocket, Justin and Abi talking and Nikki and Shyla, leaving me to my Twitter.

I get loads of mentions and new followers everyday, it's really exciting.

@SummerBreeze: @IAmRisk, I can't wait to see you in concert! When are you doing one?! I love you!

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