"You acting like I tried to get pregnant" I know I was playing a dangerous game with the raw sex but I didn't give a fuck about an abortion. Shit happens and feelings got involved

"And yeen get rid of it. You told me plenty of times you would get rid of my baby" Trent say

"You saying all this to say what" I ask

"Why you didn't get rid of hers" I felt a knot in my stomach

"Huh" I ask

"What make her so different than me? We do the same shit" Trent say

"Why are we talking about this? That's the past" I say

"I want to know" Trent say

"Well I'm not giving you an answer" I say

Trent smacked his lips "we grown"

"It doesn't matter. Me having her baby was not planned" I say "don't make that shit out more than what it was"

"You love her" huh? What the fuck is going on today? Everybody just in my business "more than you love me"

If I'm going to be honest I have love for the both of them. In different ways if it's not obvious

Trent has always had my back and always been there for me. Right or wrong he's in my corner. He knows how I feel regarding Kyle. Regardless of what Madison and my mom say they didn't lose Kyle how Trent and I did.

Now Kay is a whole different story. For one she gave me my first child. She might be a bitch and stuck in her stupid ways but she's in my corner. It hasn't even been a year yet and she's made a difference in my life and I hope I've made one in hers.

I'm not in love with either of them though.

I watched my door open and Kay walked right in. Can a bitch have a break? She was carrying flowers and she smiled at Trent

"How are you" Kay ask him

"Kay" I say

She smacked her lips "I'm just trynna be nice! Fuck his uptight ass"

"Don't you got a corner to stand on" the knot in my stomach got a little bigger. It's still weird that she works under him

"Bitch fuck you" Kay say

Trent smiled "my nigga I don't miss"

"Okay" Kay laugh "you been saying you gone kill me for the longest. It's only and boring now. Nobody believes you"

"Ari" Trent say

"Fuck she gone do? Whoop me" Kay ask sitting there flowers on my desk

"Y'all together" Trent ask

"Trent I'm grown" I say

"And making poor decisions" Trent say

"Wow, what the fuck was a poor decision" swear is he tell me getting pregnant was a poor decision

"This nigga" Trent say

"I thought you was fucking boys now" Kay ask

"Huh" I ask

"Dominique and ya boy booty buddies" Kay say

"Nigga I ain't ever fucked no nigga" Trent say "cause if I had some going on with him then I'll kill you for killing him"

She did what? I need a trash can. The knot in my stomach wants to come up.

I walked to the bathroom and let everything up. Not that I had much of a choice

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