Chapter 17

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9:30am Suayeon bedroom





I kept tossing around in the bed looking for Siyeon but he wasn't in the bed. I pouted and got out of bed and found Siyeon washing the dishes. I went amd gave Siyeon a back hug before making him some coffee. I was still sleepy so let out a soft whine. I was confused seeing others looking at me with there head tilted.

Siyeon:Pack its fine she's still sleepy. Now your officially Queen of the wolves.

Sua:Really? (Smiles and hugs Siyeon)

Siyeon:Sua. I want a child so bad.

Sua(smirks):The let's go make a baby.


Sua(chucked):Shh before you wake someone up.

Siyeon:Your lucky our room is sound proof.

Sua:You was going to make me loud?

Siyeon:Still am baby. Now since your a wolf I can go beast mode. (Flex muscles)

Sua:All mouth no action(runs in the room)

Siyeon:Your saying that now. (Follows)

11:30am Breakfast





I woke up blushing and went into the kitchen to find Siyeon and Katrina cooking. The male wolves looked at me and they all bowed. Siyeon amd Katrina gave me a bow as well before going back to cooking. They bowed at Winter as well staying in a kneel position.

Sua:You all can stand now.

Man:How does it feel to be one of us?

Sua:I'm more energetic now. Right Siyeon? (Smirks)

Siyeon:Its still the same.

Sua:Around 9:30 this morning it didnt seem the same did it. We kept going until 11am anc its 11:33am right now.

Katrina:Seems more energetic to me. .

Siyeon:Be on my side for once.

Winter(walks downstairs):Smells good. (Back hugs Katrina)

Siyeon:Cute. I don't want to see that couple stuff. Katrina needs to focus. We don't need a distraction.

Sua:Oh? So im distracting you?

Siyeon:I-i need to cook.






Siyeon phone rung but since she was in the bathroom I answered.


Doctor:Ahh hello Ms. Is Mr.Lee there?

Sua:I can get him on the phone. Babe your phone.

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