Chapter 8

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Once I heard my dad yelling telling the car to go I immediately looked out to see him turning. I kept cool as much as possible but I knew he was in trouble. Maybe an hour later I was starting to worry. Two hours three hours four hours. Nothing. Winter and Sua hugged me and I knew I couldn't change. Five hours and my phone rung. I immediately answered.


Siyeon(wolf tone):Honey listen. I'm in the woods but I can't transform into a human. They shocked me in the neck and I need you to remove it. Please you know I'm not a normal wolf.

Katrina:Okay. There's a wolf in the backyard I'll see if its hurt.

Siyeon(wolf tone):I'm at the back door.

Katrina(hangs up and opens the back door):Your a big wolf.


Sua:How do you know if its friendly.

Katrina:I don't but we will find out.

I knew it was my dad but I had to play it off. I gently showed both of my hands and slowly approached my dad. He growled playing along. He's eyes was blue and he stared into my eyes. I quickly shined my eyes blue then back brown. My dad slowly approached me and I softly smiled. I hurried to his neck and took a pair of tongue and took it off. My dad hurried out the door and ran off to the woods.

Winter:You look so hot doing that baby.

Katrina:I did (blushing)

Winter(kisses Katrina):I'm proud of you.

Sua:This is making miss Siyeon. I need some wine.

Katrina:Winter there something I need to show you. Well rather tell you but you might leave me.

Winter:What is it?

Katrina:The reason why the wolf didnt attack me is because I'm a wolf...

Sua:Where the proof?

Winter:Is that why you ran out the room when we was making out?

Katrina:Ne. My tail was showing because if how happy I was. If you want proof then fine.

I moved to a big space and slowly transformed into a wolf. Once I did I heard the front door open and I his behind the counter in my wolf form.

Sua:Yahhh i thought you was dead (hugs Siyeon).

Siyeon:Me too. Where is Katrina?

Katrina(comes from behind the counter as a wolf)

Siyeon(Softly smiles and gently touches Katrina head):You must actually like her?

Katrina(turns human):Yes I do.

Winter:Siyeon sir you knew about this?

Siyeon:Of course. The hunters was after her. Her mother sent them to kill her but I wouldn't let them.

Sua(kisses Siyeon):I thought I lost you.

Siyeon:You'll never lose me baby.

Sua(looks at Katrina):Don't worry your secret is safe with me.

Katrina(Shields Winter):Someone is here.

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