Chapter 3

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Max and I immediately drew our swords and aimed it at each other.

Max:Siyeon its been awhile.

Siyeon:Ahh you went and chased after my bully. How cute? I'm not surprised. I hate this word but a bitch met another bitch.

Kim:Babe put the sword down.

Max:Ive waiting to kill you Siyeon.

Siyeon:We both knows how that will end.

Katrina:So this is why you wanted to meet me?!? To kill dad?!?! You really don't care about me.

Kim:No hunny. Babe please put it away.

Max:You told me I could kill him.

Siyeon(Smirking):Go ahead.

Max swung his sword at me and I immediately blocked it with mine. I kicked him in a knee picked up his sword and roundhouse kicked him in the back then face. I removed every weapon off him and kicked it into the sewers. I grabbed Max by his shirt and punched him in the face a few times. Sua pulled me accidentally grabbed my member. I slightly blushed and stared at her.

Max:You lied to me. You told me his skills were weak. He was in easy beat. (Looks at Siyeon) my apologies Siyeon. I won't bother you again. You and I are done. I mean that (walks off)

Sua:Babe let's go home (hugs Katrina) I think our daughter had enough for tonight.

Kim:Get away from my daughter.

Kim started moving towards Sua and Winter kicked Kim in the face. Winter grabbed Kim against her shirt and pinned her against her own car.

Winter:Enough now. I've watched enough and I hate seeing my girlfriend cry. You have two choices. Get in your car and go or i can beat your ass until you give up. Choose.

Kim:Fine im going. Katrina same time next week. (Leaves)

Katrina:Thanks Winter and Sua.

Sua:No biggie.

Winter:I'll always have your back (wipes Katrina tears) Now we should go join mom for dinner.

Sua:God dam it. I had too much to drink.

Siyeon:You still look good.

Sua:I know but let's not start a problem and I won't be able to fix it later right daddy?

Siyeon(opens the car door):Get in the car.

Sua:Yes daddy. (Gets in the car)

Winter:She's drunk right?

Siyeon:So am I. But the car auto drives when I'm drunk.

Katrina:Let's go.

Once we got into the car and headed to Sua mom house Sua sat close to me and started kissing my neck. I looked at Sua thinking print was going to show. She gently grabbed my neck and gently moved her away. Sua pouted and started kissing my neck again while putting her hand on my neck. I hurried and took off my jacket and covered my self.

Siyeon:B-babe your sister is in the car so is my daughter.

Sua:I believe they did the same. I mean look at there necks. Now can I have some please?

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