[5] Nice.....It's Red Color

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Hello simp people...



Ibaraki was standing infront of surtr and friedrich while everybody looking down at them and some were praying for the new kid, surtr already have her eye n ibaraki and friedrich smiling with eye close, It was very silent so ibaraki decide to break the silent by speaking.

Ibaraki: Soooo, Is there any rules here r you just go all out?

Friedrich: Well there's some rule but that isn't really that important but you can't attack opponent if they are on the ground or surrendering.

Ibaraki: Alright seemss fair enough

Ibaraki start to stretch his body, while surtr just keep starring at ibaraki, Friedrich just goes to the sideline of the arena, the stand just watch very intently friedrich raise her arm in the air she then put her hand down showing that the math start.

In an instant surtr is gone which quite surprise ibaraki, he feels and incoming threat behind he duck down to dodge which surprise her which he qute don't expect. he get down and swipe her legs but surtr jump out of the wat.


They are surprise among the crowd that he manage to dodge surtr kick that they thought is immposible to dodge, the white hair girl that ibaraki talk look's with start and bush on her cheeks

Veibae: Woahhh he can dodge that!!

Saruei: Yes we can see that vei....

??: Dam never thought that the new kid got some moves

Melody: Owh hi calliope you just arrive here?

Call: Yep and i'm pretty bored and want to watch some stuff.

Belfast: Hmmm that new kid can dodge the kick....I wonder if he got any other move

Enterprise: Yep what about you baal?

Baal: Well he's interesting at least

Zhongli: Yep..

Aether: Mhm well atleast he can now died rest in peace

all of them agreed and make a saluted post but what happend next might shock them and maybe will bring him to the edge of dying.


Ibaraki rush at her In just a normal speed because he don't want to go all out yet, He try to -punch her but surtr dodge, but surtr was suprise that a hand was comming to his way but she manage to block it but send her back a little.

Surtr: (Looks at hand it got some bruise and look back at ibaraki) ...

Ibaraki: 'Well i think i just hit some nerve there'

Surtr then dissapears but this doesn't surprise him cause he sees to many people that dissapear, When ibaraki grab her legs but he sees something he shouln't sees under her skirt.

Ibaraki: Ah yes that's.......Nice it match her hair' Oh red...

Surtr then realise of what he sees then she jump away and protect her skirt with a red face that match her hair, the people on the stand was gasping one by one even friedrich eye wide a little and has a hand on her mouth, Some people come down to check surtr.

??: You bastard!


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