Deleted Pictures (Heejin) Pt.2

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——————————Y/N POV

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It's been two long months since you got dumped by Heejin, and to be honest... You weren't feeling so hot...

When she broke up with you, you felt empty... You felt so alone... You felt hurt...

Each day was a struggle... And as time passed, your heartbreak caused more damage to your already broken heart. It wasn't a joke, and it wasn't a bad dream. It was reality, and the reality is that Heejin doesn't love you anymore.

It was like a great gloom suddenly overcame you, waves of sadness hitting you like a tsunami. Everything in your life reminded you of Heejin, and every time she crossed your mind, tears began to build up within your eyes.

Sobs often rose in your throat, you crying bitter tears because you missed Heejin with all your soul. Your chest felt so heavy, and your tears were endless. This heartbreak places stress both on your mind and body. You were physically in pain, and your mental health was going downhill too.

Even though Heejin was the cause of your suffering, in your mind, she was the only one who could mend your broken heart. We have been best friends for so long and have always supported each other... She had to be the one that could fix you...

Your heart was in shambles, and without her by your side, you felt like you were going crazy. Every day, you reminisce about the happy times. You still remember everything, from the first day we met to the clothes and hairstyle on our very first date. All of those memories were like scars on your mind, and you were unable to heal them.

The void that the breakup left was huge, and the only thing that could fill up your loneliness was her. You always look through your photo gallery to ease the pain, looking at all the cheer-filled pictures we had together. From the awkward first photos we took together to the last one of us laughing lovingly, these pictures were like an addicting drug.

It brought back so many memories, and you couldn't help but always return to them, especially when you saw the expression on her face

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It brought back so many memories, and you couldn't help but always return to them, especially when you saw the expression on her face. You would spend hours looking at her beautiful smile... You missed those pearly white teeth... That happy grin that she had when she was with you... The ones filled with love and happiness... You missed them so much...

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