Chapter 7: An Elder Warning

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The sound of CJ's breathing was the only thing keeping Danny grounded in reality at that moment. After learning of the prophecy, Fright Knight had suggested they end their lessons for the day and sent the three teenagers home. Sam and Tucker attempted to talk to Danny but he gave them a cold shoulder and returned home to shut himself away in his room.

He still couldn't believe it. That he was potentially part of a prophecy that spelled out the destruction of the Ghost Zone and with it, the world. "Maybe it really means nothing," the halfa mused to himself, "Maybe this prophecy is just some random Elder Spirit having a very interesting take on poetry." The more he mulled it over in his mind, the less sure he was about it having nothing to do with him. Suddenly, an idea struck.

"Clockwork!" Danny shouted, sitting upright in bed and startling CJ awake. The puppy yipped at Danny for disturbing him before the teen gave the dog a few scratches behind the ear and he settled down again. The teen felt the cool white rings wash over his body, transforming him into his ghostly alter-ego and phased through the floor to the basement. Without sparing a thought he flew into the portal, intent on finding the Master of Time. He knew the mission he was presented with was a near impossible one. If Clockwork didn't want to be found Danny could be searching the Ghost Zone for hours with nothing to show for it. 

Luck seemed to be on the halfa's side, for after a mere fifteen minutes of flying, he saw Clockwork's Tower emerge from the swirls of the Ghost Zone. Picking up speed, he made a dash for Clockwork's door. He dropped his speed as he approached the grand double doors, debating whether or not he should knock, seeing as though Clockwork was probably already aware that he was here. Before Danny could make a decision the doors to the tower opened automatically, a cold chill beckoning Danny to enter. The teen gulped as he flew into the tower, making his way up to the Time Master's main chamber. As he grew closer to the door, a faint conversation could be heard.

"Not only that, but he had knowledge of the Ancients that aren't in any writings not contained in the Codex. I'm beginning to suspect my plan has more side effects than I realized," a familiar voice exclaimed.

"I cannot say that you did not bring this upon yourself, Nocturne," Clockwork's voice said in response. 

Danny paused. Nocturne was here? And apparently deep in conversation with Clockwork. The halfa slowly backed away from the door to Clockwork's chamber as it swung open. Soon Danny's vision was filled by Nocturne's pale face.

"It seems we have a little fly on the wall," Nocturne purred, smiling at Danny. As the colour drained from Danny's face, Nocturne seemed to delight in the fact that he terrified the boy. He grabbed the teen by the arm, pulling him into the room and setting him down in front of a less than amused Clockwork.

"I didn't mean to listen in," Danny tried to explain, looking up at Clockwork who remained expressionless. "I thought you knew I was here, the doors opened by themselves so I kinda just... let myself in?" he finished by sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck with a gloved hand. He felt one of Nocturne's tentacles curl around his ankle, but paid no attention to it.

Clockwork sighed, shifting to his elderly form. "It is of no major concern, your arrival was expected after what you've learned today," the Time Master said, turning his back to his two guests. "I assume you're here to discuss what Nocturne revealed today during your lessons," he added, tapping his staff on the large viewing screen in front of him as an image of the three teens, Fright Knight and Nocturne staring at the prophecy rippled into existence.

Danny's eyes were drawn to the screen, staring at those floating words once more and feeling a pang in his chest. Nocturne's grip around Danny's ankle tightened and the halfa let out a tiny whimper of pain. The starry spirit looked to Danny in confusion as he noticed his starry tentacle around the young hero's ankle, and quickly removed it without a word before floating to the other side of the room, muttering to himself.

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