Hanji roars in laughter as she grabs a rolled newspaper and hits Levi with it, "you went this far yet you two aren't still married. But I'm sure that doesn't mean that (Y/n) doesn't want to marry you."

"Anyway shorty," she proceeds, "I can't believe you're so direct and forward regarding marriage ! I mean, that's not a light topic to talk about. No wonder Ms. (L/n) called you a bulldozer-"

"You better stop before I bulldoze you, shitty glasses."

The raven haired man crosses his legs, "anyways, how did Erwin propose to you ?" Levi's curiosity is getting the best of him. He needs to get some reference in order to arrange a perfect proposal.

"Oh, we both went to Universal Studio and he proposed to me in front of the real life sized armored titan statue. That was the best day ever.. It's so romantic that I want to experience that day again."

He scoffed, "you call that romantic ? Being proposed in front of a big ass anime statue ?"

"Hey, that's not nice ! Anyway, a marriage proposal should be done somewhere that's not everyday, but romantic. Damn, after all this talk of marriage proposals, I'm thirsty. Soooo... want some titan juice ? It's apple flavored !" Hanji exclaims.

Levi only slouched back to the sofa, running out of ideas. Just as he was about to refuse Hanji's titan juice, his phone buzzed as a message popped up on his lockscreen.

[--Kuchel Ackerman--]

If you're free. Can I see you for a bit ?

He quickly shoves his phone into his pocket before leaving Hanji's office without a word. His mother rarely messages him, so this may be important.


"Levi.. are you seeing Ms. (L/n) ?"

Kuchel straightens her white dress that she usually wears inside the house on a daily basis, looking at her son in curiosity. Well, words about him and the secretary have spread quickly until it reaches Kenny and Kuchel's ears.

He went silent for a while before answering his mother, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you this sooner. But I was going to, soon. I.. I want to marry (Y/n)."

"I see."

"But you like (Y/n), don't you ?" With pleading eyes, Levi stares at his mother.

The raven haired woman smiles gently, "I do, yes. I trust (Y/n), and I adore her. I wanted to see her by your side, always. To be honest, a few years ago when I heard that Petra Ral wants you to marry her, I was hurt, because I thought you wouldn't get someone that's perfect for you. And here you are, about to ask for (Y/n)'s hand in marriage. I.. I couldn't be happier than this, my dear."

"So, what I want to say is... Go put a ring on her finger before someone else does."

Levi stares at his mother in disbelief. Kuchel has given him full permission to be with the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with. With determined eyes, he nods.

"I will."

---- Time skip ---- 9.45 P.M.

His fingers trembled as he clicked on his secretary's phone number, dialing (Y/n) this late.

"Yes Mr. Ackerman ? How can I help y-"

He cuts her off, "can you come over right now brat ? I'm holding an emergency meeting in my house with some marketing members, it's urgent. There are some important guests too, so make sure you dress nicely."

"Wha- Of course sir, right away."

The woman on the other line quickly changed out of her pajamas and put on a nice dress. Well, at least it's a proper and decent dress for a meeting. She must keep her professional image in front of those important guests after all. To her luck, (Y/n) manages to fetch a taxi and immediately head to her boss's mansion to get there on time.

About 30 minutes later, the taxi driver dropped her off in front of Levi's mansion. She then proceeds to make her way inside.

But then, a look of surprise took over (Y/n)'s face when she spotted candles being arranged all the way on the entrance to his mansion. Lines of tiny light flickering beautifully in the night, creating a path in the middle for (Y/n). She didn't think that Levi would do such a thing like this for an emergency meeting. Perhaps the guests are some people from royalty.

The secretary then followed the path that the candle created, bringing her into a... backdoor ? Beside the door, there's a clothed table with a piece of paper on top of it. It says :

[Come in, my love]

There's even a bowl of her favorite candies. Black tea flavored candies, stacked beautifully on a pristine white bowl with a bow around it. With a nervous feeling, (Y/n) opened the door and entered his mansion.

Turns out, it's a wide room with a huge window that has a nice view of the water fountain outside. (Y/n) spotted her boss standing there alone with his back facing her. With calm steps, the secretary approaches him until she finally reaches his side, "so.. did I miss something ? Has the meeting started ? What's this, all of a sudden ?"

Levi then turned his body to fully face her, "I know you weren't sleeping when I called you to come here, brat. I know you're in your apartment alone, watching those shitty cartoons called anime. The day I dragged you to my house in order to make you stop watching anime and get some sleep, I knew it was the right decision. It felt right to have you in my arms all night, waking up next to you, and protecting you from nightmares that came from your past."

"...." Something pulled (Y/n)'s heartstrings as her eyes slowly began to water. She stays silent, waiting for him to finish what he has to say.

"Please fall asleep beside me.. every night." He said.

The vice president then continues, "You know that I'm not the type to ask for permissions, right ? Yet here I am, asking for your permission about our future, in the most polite and romantic way."

Without further words, Levi lowered himself to the ground on one knee. After pulling out a small box from his pocket, he opened it, and held it with both hands while presenting the small item to the woman in front of him.

"Will you marry me ?"

The way he looks up to her while holding out the ring makes (Y/n) unable to stop the tears from leaking. With a weak nod and a gentle smile, she gives her answer, "yes."

Levi then rose from his position. He reached for (Y/n)'s left hand and held it softly, sliding the ring into her finger. The man couldn't even contain his smile at the sight of the ring fitting her finger perfectly, "finally, a yes after my countless marriage proposals." He chuckled.

"I proposed to you first when I was little." (Y/n) smiles cheekily.

His steel blue eyes stare at her, full of adoration and happiness even though his face doesn't show it all. Levi retracted his hand that he used to slip the ring into her finger. With both hands, the raven haired man cupped her tear stained cheeks and kissed her softly. (Y/n) rests her hands on his shoulders, giving in to the passionate kiss that shows love. Levi may not be a man of words, but his actions and touch still manages to make her melt.

She has fully understood his love language, and from now on, (Y/n)'s going to receive his love language more often. And maybe more than that. 

What's wrong with Levi's Secretary ?  [Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now