chapter 9 devil may cry opend

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Its been a day since nero took out genshin inside his mind and reawakened accidentally griffon and shadow twp of vergil's creations but nightmare still has not appeared while nero currently walking home from school annoyed the girls hu used do love to hit him even tho almost all the boys are perverts here tried do ask him out he even had to threaten some people as he reached home and threw his bag onto the sofa as he switched back into his normal demon hunting outfit and grabbed a glass of water and sat down on the sofa as he turned the tv on do see the news not knowing today he finally decoded do re open devil may cry but that itself will bring many jobs but he has trained his chosen and the factions chosen ones and they could easily take down a lesser demon now but hier ones are out of their league but he always noticed kushina,grayfia,venelana and coriana looking at him when fighting also even sometimes the two ex-wives tried do talk do me but he ignored them do their sadness but always talks to most of the others easily but now let the story continue

End of narrator

Nero-lets see whats going on)as he drank his water and changed to a news channel seeing a urgent report

Newsreporter-in ****** city grounds of demons from the true hell have appeared out of nowhere and the supernatural can barley fight them will our only true hope the last sparda and his trained fighters appear in time we will update you as quickly and accurately we can)as nero closed the tv and drank the last of his water and but the glass in the sink as he sighed of going soo soon back to work

Nero-welp time to get the show on the road)as he went and took his bare weapons because nico is currently still working on the new arm and he doesn't have a driving license but still drove a motorcycle beacuse he can  he grew his wings and flew out not noticing the same cloaked figure hu saved seekvaira was on his house roof

???-soon we will finally meet really not me saving one of your girls i cant believe this guy's their reincarnation well better go or ladys gonna kill me)as the figure disappeared in yellow lightning

Time skip untill the unown city

Nero landed breaking the ground as he called his trained fighters and told them the location of the attack as all of them appeared from their respective magic circles

Mio-whats the plan issei)she asked next to him with fir ready to attack

Nero-save as many people you can and keep the damage do a minimum that still has do be paid by me or azazel because we caused it)he said grabbing his devil sword nero and summend swords out of it as it opened up and charged at the lesser demons

Nero-save as many people you can and keep the damage do a minimum that still has do be paid by me or azazel because we caused it)he said grabbing his devil sword nero and summend swords out of it as it opened up and charged at the lesser demons

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Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.
the new demon hunting spardaKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat