‘Its your choice what you do once I’m gone but for now Jennie is a huge shareholder and a partner to the company’

Jennie stood up, brushing off her skirt and fixing her hair, you could see the fatigue on her face and in her steps.

‘I thank you Mr Jung for the deal, Kim J trade is very happy to be officially partners’ Jennie shook his hand and turned around to you,, with a smirk she pushed past you ‘see you at the board meeting’

All you wanted to do in that moment was give her more bruises, you made a mental note to kick her extra hard that night, the snarky tone in Jennie’s smooth words poured into your ears like poison, she wormed her way into your fathers affections and her company like some kind of parasite, You didn’t know her intentions, whether it was just to get into her head or she had a bigger plan, you knew you had to get smarter.

‘Im sorry’ Your father sighed sitting down

‘Its fine, I’m just upset you didn’t consult me first, this is going to be my company’

‘I thought you would agree’

‘I want to be involved thats all’ You explained

‘Are you and Jennie ok? You both seemed tense, it would be bad if you had marital problems already’

‘Its nothing, we’re both just tired’

‘Ah I see’ he chuckled eyeing you up, you knew what he was thinking and felt sick at the thought of it ‘to start your work I want you to manage the West Town project, its not too big and I thought you’d rather do building design than fashion design’

’Thanks’ You mumbled as he handed you the papers

‘Its a collaboration with many other companies so the entire weight isn’t on you, but I’ve put together a team for you downstairs for you to manage’

’Thank you dad, I really appreciate it- I’ll get started right now’

‘Also theres a board meeting in a week, I want you to be there’


The next few days you spent absorbing yourself in her work, at first you found it tiring and soul draining but the second you payed more attention the project entrapped you. You spent late nights and early mornings finalising designs and calling the partners, it was the first time you had felt alive in a while, you felt you had a purpose and everything about it interested you, all you wanted to do was complete it- you were finally making your mark in the company.

You sat on the couch of her penthouse, lounging out as the sun from the window hit her face, Rosé lay next to you, her caramel hair glowing in the bright light as you rambled on.

‘I just think its such a good project, the West Town has needed regeneration for a while and with all the green energy and charities involved, I’m glad to be a part of it, the designers I have working on the buildings are amazing, my dad really hires the best people’ You gushed as Rosé listened

‘I haven’t seen you this happy in a while’ Rosé smiled ‘its cute’

‘I don’t know, I am really getting into my dads business, it also keeps my mind off Jennie, I think she’s been trying to get into my head recently’

‘Hm thats sad’

‘As long as I keep my head down it should be fine, i’ve been avoiding her as much as possible lately’

‘I hope you didn’t invite me here to talk about Jennie and business, we haven’t seen each other in a while’ Rosé softly sighed placing her hand on your arm

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