Chapter 2: An old friend

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Lapis Lazuli-Jones POV

"Well, that went well if you ask me," I said taking out my hidden airport in my ear "YOUR WELCOME" I heard from the voice on my phone. I was on a call with my friend Aqua, she knew everyone in the school.
I laughed looking at my phone "Thanks asshole"
"Your welcome, but how could you forget that nerd name out of everyone's name? YOU BOTH HAVE THE SAME NAMES OF GEMS." Aqua sounded very furious about why I had to call her in the middle of a family party that she skipped school for. I laughed harder taking my seat at the bus, the same one Peridot sat on "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" I said, "But I forgot her name she's always so distant from everyone else." I continued as Aqua struggled to get her cousin out of the phone camera.
"I would too if I knew my childhood best friend died," Aqua said, finally getting control of her phone
"What you mean," I said as I look for when my bus is coming.
"Remember Amethyst Stone?" Aqua said, she sounded concerned maybe at the fact I didn't know.
"Yeah I remember her, she had the white hair and hanged with Pearl a lot yeah?" I replied
"Yeah, her, didn't you know she died of suicide??" She started making a more concerned face.
"WAIT WHAT?!" My eyes widen as I was shocked at this news. Wasn't she going on a trip to Wisconsin or something??
"Dumbass we had a whole ceremony for her and everything were you not paying atten- oh wait never mind you were with a certain someone." She rolled her eyes on the camera, causing me to feel a little bad.
"Oh, shit.." I said leaning back against the pilar
"Oh shit is right, anyways I have to go my mom just came back from the beer run toodles" she hung up before I could even say bye back.

I sat at the bus stop listening to "Kiss me through the phone" by Souljah boyz thinking about the news I had just heard about. Damn...I thought to myself how could I not notice someone died in my school. I was getting caught in guilt and disgust at the fact one of the best people in the school died of Suicide and I didn't even attend the school ceremony. I was too "busy" with Jasper that I wasn't even there. I didn't know Ames was Peridot's friend, I didn't even know that she even had friends. She doesn't even show emotions at all. My train of thought was lost after I heard the sound of a bus stopping a little far behind where I sat. Grabbing my bag and rushing over to scan my card before the bus left. I sat in the middle of the bus, because of the spinning seats. Those were the best seats on the whole bus, of course, I personally always thought that ever since I was a kid. My music was pounding on my AirPods as I bobbed my head a little listening to the song "Paralyzed" by sueco. I'm not depressed I just really like the way this guy sang this song.

When I approach my home I tried to avoid my dad, he was pretty tired and was knocked out on the couch. I didn't wanna bother his sleep so I just walked to my baby brother's room.  I opened the door to a little nursery room with a pink crib in the middle. approaching the baby in the small crib and putting my bag down aside from the crib bending over to see him. 
grabbing the small infant holding him in my arms as I cooed very softly "Hi Steven" I smiled saying this and felt relaxed seeing my brother, the small infant opened his eyes looking up at me.  A little confused because he gets cranky when he wakes up. "Hi" I cooed and smiled again as I listen to the baby giggle and laugh as I and little Steven walked to my room across the hall from his room. I switched rooms with Dad because after Mom left us he was overly stressed with the baby, Luckily I'm a babysitter so I help out most of the time. though Steven is a very fussy baby from time to time but other than that he is alright. 'Just give this kid a bottle and he's out' I always said, this kid would eat anything in the site so we keep him far away from anything. I laid on my queen-sized bed that had blue sheets and black blankets on top of it nicely tucked on my bed. "What a long day huh buddy?" I said as I laid the infant on his stomach rocking him in my arms as we both drowsed off into our slumbers 

 Also, I forgot to mention this story may have some Sexual moments, and yeah be prepared for that. OKAY BYEEE

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