a fun shepherd-aguiar halloween!

Start from the beginning

"This is gonna be your first time trick or treating ever! Yay! Yay!" RJ says as he and Luca both cheer loudly.

"Yayyyyyyy!" Luca yells as he claps his hands and hugs RJ tightly.

"I'll teach you, Luca! I'll teach you and you will get a lot of candy just like I do!" Theodore says to his baby brother giving him a hug.

Benji walks downstairs holding his wand he got at Disneyland a few years ago and he begins to pretend to do spells happily.

"Hello, Harry Potter!" RJ says playfully to Benji and Benji smiles, waving his wand at RJ.

"Hi, Sirius! Hi, Dobby and Hedwig! And hi, Astrid, Dobby and Sammy!" Benji says to RJ, Theodore, Luca before petting the three dogs.

"Bub!" Luca yells as he runs over to Benji and hugs him tightly.

"Hi, Bubba!" Theodore says with a big grin as Benji.

"What's Dad doing, Papi?" Benji says as he gets his, Luca and Theodore baskets ready to go trick or treating.

"He is getting the girls hair ready for their Halloween costumes! I tried to do it but I got frustrated." RJ says as he chuckles and Benji chuckles back.

"Yeah, girls hair looks super hard to do!" Benji says as he sits on the floor to play his Nintendo Switch.

RJ, Benji, Theodore, Luca, Dobby, Sammy and Astrid all patiently wait in the living room for Will, Coralei, Averie and Harlow to get finished ready!

A few minutes later, Will, Coralei, Averie and Harlow all walk down the steps, all of them ready to go trick or treating!

"Hello, Luna Lovegood, Hermoine, Fleur Delacour, and Ginny Weasley!" RJ says to Will, Coralei, Averie and Harlow.

"Hi, Papi!" Coralei, Averie and Harlow all say in unison as they group hug RJ and RJ hugs them all, giving them lots of kisses.

"Hey, babe!" Will says as he kisses RJ a few times with abbot smile.

"Hey!" RJ says with a smile as he rubs Will's baby bump and softly kisses it.

Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore, Harlow and Luca all get their baskets to go trick or treating.

"Are you all ready to go trick or treating?" Will asks Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore, Harlow and Luca and they all scream in excitement.

"YES!" Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore and Harlow all yell happily.

"Ya ya ya ya!" Luca says as he giggles and smiles.

"Okay, let's get going!" RJ says to Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore, Harlow and Luca as he smiles at Will and Will smiles back at him.

Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore, Harlow and Luca all get their shoes on and get ready to go trick or treating!

"Bye, pups! Be good!" RJ says to Dobby, Sammy and Astrid, petting the three dogs happily.

"Bye, guys!" Will says, also petting Dobby, Sammy and Astrid.

"Bye, Dobby, Astrid and Sammy!" Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore and Harlow all say in unison to the dogs with big smiles.

"Ba ba ba!" Luca says happily as he waves at the three dogs before holding Will's hand.

Will, RJ, Benji, Coralei, Averie, Theodore, Harlow and Luca all leave the house together!

"Daddy! Take a video of our pumpkins!" Averie says with a big cheeky smile.

"Yeah, Daddy! Show the pumpkins in the vlog!" Coralei says happily.

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