"But what could possibly be the reason for that?" Sahdev contemplated. "What is the name of the woman?"

"Shalini. She works as a dasi in this Palace only." The other man replied.

Sahdev's mind processed the information fast and a suspicion was nagging him.

"Since how many days, is she sick?" He asked again sharply.

"Almost seven days." The Vaiyd replied again.

"Guards! Call the head maid, Punkodi immediately and seal the palace. Not a single person should enter or go outside!" Sahdev ordered harshly while moving outside.


Punkodi was alarmed as Rajkumar Sahdev called her urgently. The Palace suddenly seemed to go into a panic mode. All the maids had been given the order to assemble in the great hall. The guards had sealed the palace, not letting anyone enter or leave.

"Rajkumari, has something happened? Why is the sudden commotion?" Punkodi asked as she saw Valandhara in the hallway. Valandhara was also confused and was going to investigate the matter.

"I don't know Punkodi. I was in the kitchen preparing for dinner when the guards came. The guards also don't know anything. They're only doing what was ordered." Valandhara replied in concern.

"Rajkumar Sahdev has called me urgently." Punkodi told her nervously. She was a little afraid thinking about the reason behind getting summoned.

"Dhara? What's going on? What is this sudden commotion about? Why the guards are gathering all the dasis?" Devika asked coming towards where they stood.

"I don't know anything Jiji. Bhrata Sahdev ordered it." Valandhara replied anxiously.

"Punkodi? Didn't I order you to meet me immediately?" Sahdev's stern voice made Punkodi jump in her place. The three of them looked behind to find Sahdev coming to them. Devika and Valandhara both were surprised to see an angry Sahdev marching towards Punkodi. They had never seen Sahdev talking to someone in this harsh tone.

"Fo--forgive me, Rajkumar. I was just about to come only." Punkodi apologised staring downwards.

"Has some new dasi entered the palace in past few days?" Sahdev asked rudely ignoring her apology.

"New dasi? No, Kumar. Yes. I mean one dasi fell sick suddenly. Her sister has come to work in her place. Apart from that no one new came." Punkodi replied nervously.

"I want that dasi in front of me right now!" Sahdev ordered clenching his jaw. Punkodi nodded vigorously and left to find Rasika.

"What is the matter bhrata Sahdev? Why are you looking so tensed?" Devika asked.

"There's an intruder in the palace bhabhishree. You go to Yaudheya and don't leave him alone even for a moment." Sahdev said and then addressed Valandhara. "Dhara Bhabhishree, until this issue gets solved, none of us will eat or drink anything. There's a possibility our foods has been poisoned. Where's bhrata Bheem?"

It took some moments for both Devika and Valandhara to process what he said. Watching them frozen in shock, Sahdev called them again to gain their attention. Devika without saying anything left hurriedly to go to Yaudheya.

"At this time? If he isn't in our chambers, then he must be in the garden." Valandhara replied in dread. The whole palace was in chaos, but Bheem was nowhere to be found. The guards didn't find him earlier.

"Please go and inform him. Then go to Devika bhabhishree and stay with her. And be careful." Sahdev said and left.

Valandhara also left the hallway to find Bheem.

Journey through the Grand Canyon (Drisana's Mahabharat #2)Where stories live. Discover now