Chapter 10

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Third Person POV

Harry and Kelsey run through the trees, worried about the loud yelp Sirius lets out. They stop by a tree, clearly seeing as past Harry throws a rock at the large werewolf. Lupin turns around and growls before stalking toward him. The dark haired teen in the trees thinks nothing of it when Kelsey lets go of his hand.

But he wasn't expecting this...

"OWWWWWW!" Kelsey howls, cupping her mouth.

He quickly wraps his arms around her, trying to get her hands away from her face.

"What are you doing?!" He whispers in her ear.

"Saving your life." She pushes him backward. "OWWWWW!"

Harry looks back to the tall grass, realizing it was indeed Kelsey that he heard earlier that night. Lupin freezes and as before, he rushes toward the trees.

"Thanks." He says before sighing. "Great. Now he's coming for us."

"Yeah, I didn't think about that." She pushes him toward the trees behind her. "Run!"

Together, they run into the forest as fast as they can, listening to the whines and vicious snarls their professor is making as he races after them. They run faster as the snarls are closer, but Harry doesn't pay attention to the roots sticking out of the ground. He trips and lands flat on his face but Kelsey doesn't hesitate.

She quickly turns around and grabs his hand, pulling him up, forcing him to run once again. She wasn't just going to let the love of her life get devoured by their werewolf professor. Needing to catch their breath, they hide behind a large tree, praying that Lupin went in a different direction. When Harry gets behind the tree, they hear soft snarls, knowing their prayers were unanswered.

He turns his head slightly, trying to watch the werewolf with the peripheral of his eye. He sees Lupin stop nearby and gently pushes Kelsey toward the other side of the tree, keeping her hand in his. She grabs onto his forearm with her other hand, keeping him as close to her as possible. The werewolf sniffs the air, smelling the teens nearby.

He howls loudly before making it sound like he's running in another direction. Kelsey pulls on Harry's arm, backing up, thinking the wolf is gone. She couldn't have been more wrong. They walk backward into the small clearing, keeping their eyes pointed in the direction they have come from. The wolf, happy his plan had worked, sneaks up behind them.

He steps on a few twigs on accident before snarling, alerting the teens of his position. Kelsey gasps and turns around, catching sight of their professor.

 Kelsey gasps and turns around, catching sight of their professor

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

He stands up on his back legs, walking toward them. Harry pulls her backward and wraps his arms around her before turning so his back is facing Lupin, not wanting her to get hurt.


Buckbeak appears out of nowhere, charging toward the werewolf. With lightning-fast reflexes, his claws slash the air, only inches away from Lupin's face. He turns and howls loudly at the creature, but Buckbeak slashes his claws again while flapping his large wings, scaring the werewolf away. He bellows loudly as if to say 'these are my humans'.

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