Chapter 1

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Kelsey's POV

Lifting the lid to my trunk, I check to make sure I have everything I need before going back to school. See, I'm not your average teenage girl and where I'm going is not an average school. I am a witch who has been going to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the Highlands of Scotland.

Everyone in my entire family has magic in their blood so this type of thing is standard for us. At the age of 11, you get a letter in the mail accepting you into the school with everything you would need. Books, robes, pets, etc. My family, the Weasley's, are known as a 'pureblooded family' so it's not shocking when every one of my siblings and I got our letters.

We're known as the family who immediately gets accepted into Gryffindor house. Hogwarts has four different 'houses' you can get sorted into by the Sorting Hat. Gryffindor's are typically known for their bravery, helping others and chivalry while Slytherin's are known for their ambition, cunningness and resourcefulness.

Hufflepuff's are hard working, patient and loyal while Ravenclaw's are very intelligent and witty while also planning ahead. The school year starts September 1st and ends the last week of June, with two two-week holidays throughout the year. One in winter for Christmas and one in spring for Easter.

The rest of the time you are studying and relaxing during weekends or, in my older twin brother's case, reeking havoc. Hogwarts is known for being the safest place in the entire wizardry world. The castle is located about two hours away from my home so instead of going straight home after our special vacation, we decided to stop and stay at the Leaky Cauldron.

It's a cheap inn for the eight of us (five of my seven siblings, me and my parents) to stay. My family isn't the richest in England so we try to save money when we can...besides our rare vacation. I raise an eyebrow at the loud voices that have carried up to the room that I share with my younger sister, Ginny.

Wanting to see what all the yelling is about, I walk out of my room and lean over the banister to see my twin brother, Ron, fighting with our best friend, Hermione. I roll my eyes and lean against the banister as they scrap. Why won't they just get together already? Everyone knows that they are in love and have been since first year.

Not even a minute after I get to the banister, I'm broken out of my thoughts by my name being called.


I glance over my shoulder and smile widely at the teenage boy standing before me.


Taking the small steps toward him, I fling my arms around his neck in a tight hug. Without hesitation, he wraps his arms around my waist, holding me close. I feel him move slightly and put his face into my neck, never leaving the hug we are sharing.

"Are you okay?" I whisper, rubbing his back slightly.

"Better now." He whispers back, squeezing me slightly.

We pull from the hug when we hear my brother's voice getting louder.

"I'm warning you, Hermione! Keep that bloody beast of yours away from Scabbers or I'll turn it into a tea cozy!"

I sigh and shake my head, slightly angry Ronald ruined our moment, as Harry raises an eyebrow.

"She got a cat yesterday and all he's done is chase Ron's rat around." I take a step back so I can look over the banister again.

"He's a cat, Ronald! What do you expect? It's in his nature." She says back to him.

Harry takes my hand and gently pulls me down the stairs to the arguing duo. Ron is protectively cradling Scabbers while Hermione does her best to restrain her hissing cat, Crookshanks.

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