Chapter 6

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Third Person POV

Dervish and Banges is a shop in Hogsmeade that sells magical instruments such as Sneakoscopes, Spectrespecs, and Omnioculars. Kelsey stands in front of the building for a totally different reason, though. After Harry's broom was destroyed in the last Quidditch match, she felt horrible.

Knowing that it wasn't her fault by any means, it was still her best friend's only broom. She's been putting money aside to get him a new one because she knows the ones Hogwarts allows him to use are substandard and worn out. At the very least, make an effort. Before reaching for her coin purse, she quickly scans the window signs for the new brooms.

She opens the change purse and pours the coins into her hand. While Kelsey is checking her money, Harry sneaks into Honeydukes' basement, following the way provided by the Weasley twins. He raises the cement block to get a better glimpse of the basement. When he hears noises in the room, he lowers the block and hides.

As he cautiously opens the tiny block, he sees a Honeydukes employee, probably Mr. Flume, grabbing boxes and heading upstairs.He waits for the man to disappear before pushing the block backward and tossing his cloak on the ground in front of him. He hoists himself up using the trapdoor's side, not caring to cover the opening again.

Grabbing his cloak, he proceeds to the stairwell, which is littered with candy boxes and other objects. He starts up the stairs, making sure to cover himself with the cloak and collides with a box of lollipops. Harry seems unfazed when the package falls on the ground. When Harry reaches the top, he notices Mrs. Flume at the bar, assisting a Ravenclaw student.

Sneaking around the corner, careful not to collide with anyone, he makes his way to the front door, past Neville and Seamus as they converse with Dean Thomas. He opens the door and double-checks that it closes behind him before scanning both directions for one of his best friends. Harry spots the familiar red-haired pigtails sticking out from beneath a red and yellow striped hat to the left, in front of Dervish and Banges.

He approaches her and waits for her to finish speaking with a man before bringing up the cloak and rapidly covering her with it, obscuring her from view. Before Kelsey can make a sound, he quickly covers her mouth. The man with whom she was chatting quickly glances in her direction and raises an eyebrow when he notices she is no longer there.

He returns to his shop with a slight shrug of his shoulders. When the door closes, Harry uncovers her mouth, allowing her to turn around. Her eyes widen slightly at the sight of her best friend.

"Harry, what are you doing here?" She whispers, glancing around, hoping no one saw him.

"I couldn't stand being at the school alone," he whispers with a smirk.

She lets out a small giggle before sliding her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly. He softly blushes as he wraps his arms around her waist and hugs her close to his body. After a few moments, she takes a step back and looks around them.

"We're under the cloak, aren't we?" She asks, softly.

With a smirk on his lips, he shrugs.

"Come on," he says, quietly. "Let's go find Ron and Hermione."

"I believe she went to show him the Shrieking Shack."

Harry lifts the cloak up with her assistance so it doesn't drag across the snow. They make it into the tiny forest, where they spot the shack in the distance. Ron and Hermione are standing by the wired fence, quietly conversing with each other. Harry begins to remove the cloak, but is stopped by Malfoy's unmistakable voice.

"Well, well look who's here." He calls out to the visible duo as he slides down the small hill with his lackeys. "You two shopping for your new dream home? Bit grand for you, isn't it, Weasle-Bee? Don't your family sleep in, uh, one room? Or do you and your sister just share a bed?"

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