Chapter 9

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Third Person POV

Kelsey and Sirius tumble down the side of the hill slightly before stopping completely in some tall grass. She groans and rolls her to her side as Sirius stands up, realizing that the Weasley girl had been thrown with him.

"Kelsey, are you okay?" He asks, making his way over to her.

"Yeah..." She sits up slightly, looking down at her lower abdomen. "He just scratched my stomach a little. I'll be okay. Go save them."

"Are you sure?"

He puts his hand out to help her up. She nods, taking his hand and stands on her feet. He sees some claw marks through her jacket with some blood leaking through.

"May I?" He asks, holding his hands up.

She nods again, helping him lift the shirt up just enough to show the scratches.

"You were far enough away that he didn't do any serious damage." He helps her pull the shirt down before handing her her wand that landed next to him. "Come on. We've gotta save them. Wait for an opening and get to Harry. I'll take care of handling Remus."

Waiting for her nod, acknowledging his instructions, Sirius transforms into his animagus, the large black dog she'd seen earlier. They run up the hill and just as Lupin brings his hand up to swipe at the teens and the now conscious Snape, Sirius jumps up into the air.

 They run up the hill and just as Lupin brings his hand up to swipe at the teens and the now conscious Snape, Sirius jumps up into the air

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He tackles and bites at Remus as they roll to the side. Kelsey, knowing this is her moment, runs over to the group.

"Kelsey! You're okay!" Ron says, eyes widening at the sight of his sister.

"A little scratched, but I'm fine."

She helps up Snape as Lupin kicks Padfoot toward them before returning to his previous spot. Sirius growls and walks toward his best friend, hoping to keep him away from the children. Snape pulls Kelsey behind him as he stands in front of the other teens who have now stood up, arms stretched out, protecting them, and they all watch the scene before them.

Sirius and Lupin growl at each other before leaping at the same time. Biting, scratching, growling. Anything they can do to get the other to stop. Since Lupin has actual arms in his werewolf form, he throws Padfoot to the side before turning toward the group, growling in Snape's face. Padfoot immediately stands back up and bites his arm.

Lupin tries to scratch Sirius but he takes off in the opposite direction of the castle, giving the group time to get back to the castle. Before the group can move, they hear a loud yelp come from the dog's mouth.

"Sirius!" Harry whispers before rushing away from Snape's arms.

"Get back here, Potter!" He snaps, trying to grab his jacket.

Harry moves out of the way, running down the hill where his Godfather has disappeared. He stops as he sees the silhouette of the large werewolf holding a dog in the air. Lupin throws Sirius against a large rock, causing him to yelp out in pain. Anger shoots through Harry, despite him knowing that Lupin isn't the one doing this.

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