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It all started with a daydream
[This isn't part of the Dream Series]

she was swimming with her boy bestfriend. Her form was different, she was a girl with pinkish red hair, She was stalking(not in a bad way, ok? (`⌒´) that youtuber because she has been notified that he was visiting her country with his bestfriend. So she took this chance to see him but then she was real nervous. Suddenly, she heard people screaming and for a good second people were running away from the ocean entrance part then she saw it. It was a piranha attack. She panicked and looked for her bag and suddenly she saw the youtuber she cherished so much about to get attacked by a piranha, so out of control, she took the closest thing to her(,which is a sword, idk where it came from but I just had it).

She ran towards Hana and killed the piranha. She hugged him so tight cus she was so scared of what might've Happened and Hana is just standing dumbfounded. She then pulled out of the hug, called for her bestfriend to save the youtuber's bestfriend and towards a van that I own. Welp, let's just say things happened and went accordingly to plan.

She woke up feeling relieved, she wanted to dream more of it so she went back drifting to sleep. She got in another dream, she thought of it as a sequel to the other (day) dream. This time she was much smaller, she wore a fancy dress like those lolis wear and she had pink hair that is tied into sidebuns they looked like Cinnamons. She was infront of a house, she guessed that it was Hana's.

I dont wanna continue

Anyways... Idk if its a daydream or a dream but I daydreamed things at 7am then fell asleep while daydream sooo.... Did the daydream turn into a dream? If it is a dream, somehow I know where I was supposed to go(did that make sense lol)

The next stories are actual dreams pls read them 😩

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