A/N-The End.

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Oh my God I might cry.

This is my second fanfic on Wattpad, but it's the first one I've finished, and I'm incredibly sad/proud/happy about it.

So I guess I should introduce myself.

Hi. I'm TeamCrafted_Lover, aka Allison. I'm in seventh grade, and an A-B student. My favorite things to do are write, listen to music, sing, read, and watch YouTube. I live in Louisiana, and I love to fish and hunt.

I write on this site called Wattpad, and on all of my stories combined, I have over four thousand reads. I consider myself an okay writer, and hope to one day be as popular as OliviaLovesSnow.

I have almost sixty self-harm scars on my left arm. The last time I cut was about a month ago, and I intend to never do it again.

I was in an extremely dark place for a long time, but people pulled me out of it. Those people are SkyDoesMinecraft, PewDiePie, BajanCanadian, JeromeASF, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, Pierce the Veil, and Black Veil Brides.

I have straight brown hair, blue eyes, and slightly tanned skin, and I like to wear band shirts or loose shirts and comfy skinny jeans or Nike shorts. I dance, and I'm pretty good, if I do say so myself. I'm obsessed with books amd bands, especially MCR, FOB, and PJO and HOO.

Now that you know pretty much everything about me, have a question. Why do you guys like this book? It's terrible, at least in my eyes! There's a lot better fanfics out there, but somehow, you chose this one, and for sticking on this rollercoaster of a book, I applaud you.

When I first started out on Wattpad, I never thought I'd get over a hundred reads on a story. This story has (at the time this was written) 2.14k reads, and that it just MIND. BLOWING. It was actually my dream to one day have a book with over 1k reads, and on all of my books combined I have over 4k, which is CRAZY AF!!!

So, long speech short, thank you guys for all the support, all of the votes, comments, everything!

I would reply to comments, but I've decided I'll PM them now, since I can't reply to comments bc I had to put in a fake e-mail when I signed up. I had an account before this on my e-mail, so yah...

Anyway! Thank u guys so much for all the love, and the question is: WILL THIS BE GETTING A SEQUEL?!

The answer is: YES IT WILL! In a few weeks or so I'll start on the sequel, I just want to take some time for my other books atm!

TeamCrafted_Lover's Quotes Of the Year:

"That's going on Wattpad."-MunchingBrotato, 2015

"You know, when you're taking care of a pregnant woman, things tend to get a little crazy." -SkyDoesMinecraft, 2015

"Here's the chickens, let's see what makes them fuck." -Alesa, 2015


" 'I only hang out with guys because they never start drama' please read a history textbook"-Twitter user @/daniiyells

"Don't fucking sass me YouTube"-Unknown

"Well don't I look pretty walking down the street in the best damn dress I own?"-My Chemical Romance

"Kid in my class: That's a third degree burn!

Other kid: Yep! I'm a third degree!

Me: Yeah, a third degree failure!


"RUNAWAY BOOBIES!"-JinBopGaming, 2015

"See this badge? It makes me the sheriff of EmoTown. Now get out your flat irons and eyeliner and let's party!" -Gerard Way

"If you're bitter and you're jaded, clap your hands, if you're bitter and you're jaded, clap your hands! If you're bitter and sadistic and about to go ballistic, if you're bitter and you're jaded clap your hands!" -Unknown

(A/N Btw, does anyone get the "Picture Perfect" references to the first chapter? The song she was singing? No? Okay)

Love ya Broskis! Peace✌️!

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