I'm Proud Of You

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I looked at the students walking along to class. Most were walking together or in groups.

After a while I felt my stomach rumble. Deciding I could no longer handle the hunger or the cold I went inside.

Once I got to the door I realized lunch was over. Sighing, I decided to head to the library.

"There is a way to the kitchen still," I heard McGonagall say behind me.

"I have detention don't I?" I asked.

"Cone with me,"she instructed as I walked behind her. We walked in silence.

She wasted no time with food and lines. "What do I write?" I asked.

"I know you've having trouble right now. Most kids don't go through what you did. I need to know what's causing you to feel so alone,"She said. I was surprised. "It won't leave this room unless someone is getting hurt,"She promised me. I took a breath before starting to talk. I told her about the fight,and missing class. Then I decided to tell her another part.

"I'm scared for my brother. The last thing I did was hit the back of his head. No hug or kiss or even an I love you. Now I'm scared he'll be like my father,"I admitted while my throat started to hurt.

"You can cry. It'll be okay. I'm here to help you,"She let me know.

"When I mess up I'm sent to my room for as long as a week. The house elves bring me two meals a day and a jug of water. I would just read and look at the people outside. As I got older my brother and I were separated. He would stay in his room. Crying made it worse. That's why I control it,"I spilled out. She looked at me for a second before shaking her head.

"I know the pain won't go away. You can only move forward and that will take some time. Do you want to talk when you eat? There's music or we could be silent,"She suggested. I decided to listen to music and slowly ate my food.

I did and then she passed me a pate of Turkey,mashed potatoes and milk. I managed half and was pretty proud. I didn't want to risk the whole plate yet.

"Once you finish the mil you can go,"She informed me. I did and she looked at me. "I'm proud of you,"She stated before going back to papers.

I whispered the words I'm proud of you the rest of the way up there.

Weasley And A Malfoy Fred Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now