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It was Saturday so we didn't have classes. I waited until my roommates left to open it. It was a dream catcher. I could tell he made it ,because I saw my moms wool strings. I think she may have had a hand in this because she keeps it under lock and key. She could have also turned a blind eye.

I had read about these before. They are supposed to stop bad dreams. I gently placed it back in the bag and put it in the trunk. After brushing my hair I added a hair band. It took a minute to pick up my daily clothes. I settled for a white blouse and black leggings with white flats. My butterfly necklace was still around my neck. I took a second to look at it and think about them.

I headed down the stairs and knocked on the twins door. I heard someone groan and Lee answered the door. "They're not here. I am though so you're pretty lucky,"He said while sticking out his chest. I rolled my eyes before noticing something. I tried to hold in my giggled but failed.

"What are you laughing at?"He asked. "You have really nice pink bunny slippers. Did you get it from your grandmas closet?"I taunted. He stuck out his tongue like a two year old. He went inside to get changed.

After a minute or two he came out while still wearing bunny slippers. "If you noticed the ladies will,"He remarked. "What am I then?"I asked playfully.

We decided to look at the Quidditch field to watch the try outs. I've never been interested in that but Draco was. His dream is to be a seeker. I don't know much about it. Now that I think about it we were kept apart. When he was a baby I was told to stay away so he could be a strong man. Last year was when we really became siblings.

"Y/N, did you see that goal? They make it look so effortless,"Lee screamed in my ear. "Yeah, it looks cool,"I replied before giving him a thumbs up. He got back into it so I slipped away and headed to the music room.

Weasley And A Malfoy Fred Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now