Percy The Prat

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Dear journal
I didn't really get sleep but, that was expected. I'm going to lose my only friends. They have it all.
Do you think that they eat meals at a table and don't have a father hiding your food? Do they fight and forgive or pretend nothings wrong? Are they allowed to hug their siblings in public? That might make me feel better. I wish I didn't smack Draco in the back of the head. I would anything to hug him and Mum again. I just want to go back to the house. I want to call it a home but, it never was and I won't be able to now.
Goodbye for now, Y/N

End of entry

My dorm mates were gone so I just sat there watching the birds fly. I wish I was as free as them. I wasn't able to sleep so I decided to work out. I was in the middle of crunches when an owl flew in with a basket and a note.

Dear Y/N/N,
I got a letter from Mum and she said you can stay with us for as long as you need. Percy the prat lost so me and George are going to prank him for you. You're welcome. I hope you're okay and catching up on sleep. Also you'll love my dad. I saw you had a book about muggle things and my dad is obsessed with that stuff. Just think about it.

From Freddie

p.s. I got you some food for your day in

I opened the basket and sure enough there was food in there. He got me a chocolate frog, strawberry oatmeal, and apple juice. I pushed it to the side and went to write back.

Dear Freddie,
Thank you for sticking up for me. You have no idea how much this means to me. I do hope your brother starts to like me though. I'll see you tomorrow

I passed the note to the owl and grabbed the food. I thought about the visit with McGonagall. I know I can't eat the chocolate. I'm just not ready for that. I sighed and took a bite of the oatmeal making sure to chew it slowly. I took another bite and drank some of the apple juice. It was taking everything in me to not puke it up but I finished it. I didn't feel good though. I need to burn it off before the weight stays. I went back to curl ups until I felt empty again.

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