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Katya never was a party girl. She prefered small get togethers with close friends. Tbey would just smoke weed or get drunk. Her closest friends were Violet, Adore and Bianca, Adore's girlfriend.

Adore and Violet did enjoy a big party so now and then and every time they invited Katya. Katya politely declined every weekend.

However Violets 21st birthday was coming up next week and she couldn't say no to that.

Violet was friends with everyone, so basically the whole town and then some were invited. Since Katya didn't want to be the weird friends of Violet, she was already stressing what to wear.

Her crush was also gonna be at the party. Trixie Mattel. The hottest and sexiest girl in the whole school. Boys (and Katya) wanted to be with her and girls wanted to be her.

She was tall, tanned and had long blond hair. Her body was also perfectly shaped in all the right places.

Sadly enough for Katya, Trixie was straight and very in love with her football boyfriend.

Josh was an asshole in Katya's opinion. He treated her okay, but just okay wasn't enough for Trixie. She deserves to be treated like the queen she is.


Friday came around very quick and soon enough she was standing in front of her closet. She had 2 outfits in mind.

She had to choose between a slutty one or her usual long black jeans, fishnets and a band shirt. She was planning on picking her usual, since she didn't have anyone to impress, but something in her head told her to pick the slutty outfit.

It was a very short black leather skirt with a red top. She decided to pair it with a pair of heeled boots and fishnets.

Just when she was about to do her make-up, Adore facetimed. Adore's make-up was already done and so was Bianca's, but their lipsticks were smudged around the edges.

Katya laughed at her friends "Were you sluts just making out when you decided to call me."

Adore wiggeled her eyebrows "Just letting you in on some fun babes, it certainly seems like you haven't been getting any in a while."

Katya sighed. Adore was right.

She never felt the need for a serious relationships, so she only had hookups. She visually enjoyed the girls she fucked, but never had a real connection with any of them.

Katya, Adore and Bianca chatted while Katya did her make-up and Adore and Bianca decided what to wear.

When Katya was ready she checked herself in the mirror. She looked hot. Her legs went on for miles and her boobs looked good braless.

She stepped outside the door and walked to Violets house. Luckily she lived closeby, so she didn't have to spend money on a cab.

As she got closed to Violets house, the music got louder. Katya didn't often party, but she was feeling it tonight.

Once she was inside and gave Violet her present, Katya got herself a drink. Vodka Redbull, her favorite.

Since Adore and Bianca weren't there yet (probably fucking) she decided to join some classmates Violet was talking with.

She got bored real quick and decided to smoke outside. She left the fully packed living room and breathed in the fresh air.

"You cold?" a voice from her left spoke.

Katya spun her head to see who was talking to her when she saw her.

Trixie fucking Mattel, in all her pink glory.

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