'Like yours in any better.'I countered suddenly embarrassed 

'It is.'He replied

'Okay then, show me.'


'I knew it.'I laughed

He seemed ready to argue but stopped himself. We talked some more, which was basically roasting each other. Until Peter stopped the car. I looked out the window and saw that we were at the same ice cream parlor we had ice cream a few days ago.

'Ice cream?' He asked.

I glanced at my watch,' We won't have much time then to get ready for the amusement park.'

'It won't take too long besides how about I wait for you in the car, till you get ready, and then you can do the same for me.'                                                                                                                                                     'Ohkay works for me.' I smiled at the idea of me not driving by myself all the way there.                      I was so in my thoughts I didn't notice Peter getting out of the car and opening the door for me. 

'I can do that myself.'I annoyingly said

'I was expecting something like oh what a gentleman.'He teased

'Oh my gosh, you opened my door for me! You are my knight in the shining armor, what would I even do without you?' I mockingly asked

'You can't survive a day without me.'He agreed completely ignoring my sarcasm

I glared at him, he laughed in response 

We walked up to the ice cream shop. 

'Cookies and cream?'He asked me

"Yup, blueberry for you?'I asked

He nodded

He moved closer to the shop 

I did the same

'Hello, nice to see you again.' The shopkeeper lit up in recognition

'Likewise' Peter replied 

'What can I get for you and your lady this time sir?'He asked

Seriously? Are we living in the 90th century?

'Cookies and Cream for her and blueberry for me.' He smirked looking at my annoyed face 

The shopkeeper gave us our orders and Peter was taking out his wallet to pay 

'Peter, what is Octavian doing her?' I asked in an alarming tone

'Where is he?' He turned back

'Here.' I gave the shopkeeper the money

'That's not fair!'He stomped his feet

The shopkeeper laughed at our little show and then went back to whatever he was doing

Peter Johnson Vs Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now