*19*Car ride

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Annabeth POV

I had a goode day at school today. Get it?

I really should stop hanging out with Leo so often, he is infecting me with his bad pun disease.

 Anyways, I would have had an even better day if Hazel and Reyna didn't cancel on giving me a ride at the last moment because I quote 'some important thing at the library came up.'They have never even set foot in the library, let alone have some 'important thing' there. I know what they are trying to do, I am not stupid.

 I walked around the school until I finally found him in a conversation with Grover. His eyebrows scrunched up at something. I being the impatient person I am interrupted their conversation by tapping his shoulders.

'Hey, Annabeth.' He grinned at me as he turned around.

'Hi, Peter. Hazel and Reyna ditched me at the last moment for their important work at the library and told me that you agreed on giving me a ride.'

Peter raised his eyebrows obviously not knowing what I was talking about and glared at Grover whose expressions said "please don't harm me, it wasn't my idea." After watching their staring contest for about two minutes, Peter turned to me. 'Of course, just let me grab my stuff.' I nodded as he pushed his books inside his bag. We waved at Grover who was late for his date.

'I am not that bad of a company you know.' I looked at Peter

' W-what?' He stammered

I chuckled.'I know they didn't tell you a thing and also that their oh so important business in the library is just an excuse.'

He laughed.'You truly stand up to your name, Wise girl.'

I rolled my eyes. ' Yeah, I sure do.'

Both of us knew what were their true intentions but neither of us pointed it out.

'That's my car.' Peter pointed out to a Blue Prius proudly.

'I have been in your car dumbo. I know which one it is.'

'Okay, no need to be mean if a man just wants to show off his car.'

'Now that I think of your car. Why is it dented? Oh yeah, you must have slipped on it considering how clumsy you are. And of course, it had to be blue.' I joked

'You know I can't live without blue!'

'So you actually tripped on it?'I laughed 

'It was an accident!'He protested

I kept on laughing 

' Are you done, can we go now?'He folded his arms 

I stepped into his car still laughing 

'So where do you live?' He asked

Give me your phone, I will put my address in the GPS.' He gave it to me and I did just that. After a moment of silence, he turned on the radio. 

The current song playing was Stitches by Percy Jackson, without realizing I started humming to the song. 

Now it was Peter's turn to laugh. 'Your humming/Singing is terrible.'

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